Sooooo, amid school, work, friends and my amazing ability to procrastinate I have managed to go almost two months without a blog post. If anyone had any doubt, now you know that I am 100% awful as opposed to the 99.995% of awfulness I was the last time I posted. I have officially tipped over the edge, and there is no turning back. Or at least I don't think there is a road to forgiveness. No I have no hope.However before you completely disown me, I would like to announce a new date on the calendar, October 32. Is it possible you ask? No, but neither were horseless carriages. And look at us now! we're styling in our bright blue Hummers. Progress is a beautiful thing my friends.But it's true October 32 has been officially added to the calendar. You didn't know? Well, could I suggest that it might actually be a good time to invest in a new fangled contraption know as the internet? My grandmother tells me it's all the rage.Ok so I'm lying.. (surprise, surprise) the government didn't actually declare October 32 a new calendar date. But they should have because this was the glorious day of Rachell and Lee's wedding. It was a perfect fall day, the sun was shining, the ladybugs were out, the leaves were turning yellow and orange, do I need to say more? (you don't need to answer that question, I will stop talking soon. I promise)But not before I say thank-you to Rachell and Lee for having me photograph their lovely day, and Thank-you, Thank-you to my friend Drew Thompson who shot the wedding with me. You are a life saver. I could not have done it without you. Below is a glimpse of Rachell and Lee's beautiful day. Just push the Play button to begin the picture show..~ Enjoy ~