Sorry Mom.....BLah, Blah..and some pictures

I think I should win a prize for the amount of times that I have said sorry for my negligence to update my family on my where abouts in the world. My prize? Well I have many, many brilliant prize ideas like... free watermelon, dark chocolate, cold hard cash.. any takers?So for the 293872th time in the past 4 months, so very sorry Mom. I really meant to do this earlier, but I have been rather busy here in Korea. Yes, yes, I know what were you're thinking, South Korea? I know I should have told you all earlier that I was moving, but I just thought it sounded fun and Bam! now I'm here for a year. Just like that.It's just like that one night when I stayed up too late and watched one too many infomercials and the next day I woke up and realized that I had just bought a Bow Flex, a life time subscription to a magazine all about cows and a red magic apparatus that takes dents out of your car.1) First of all I didn't own a car.2) Second the only workout my arms gets are from an intense workout known as X-Treame E-A-T-ing. It's New fangled.:: inge use a bow flex machine? ha. It's more likely that inge will update her blog..:: "Hey that's not nice!" ::inge then gives the odd blog commentator an evil glare::Anywho....What was I thinking? Well the better question is how did I even got hired to be an English teacher? Who are we kidding, I'm grew up in East Tennessee, East Tennessee! Are we even sure English is spoken in East Tennessee? Well, Ok if you want to know the truth. The real, REAL truth is that I got my Mexican friend Juanita to speak for me in my phone interview with the school. She's has been in the US for a couple of years ago already and her English is quite nice. Otherwise they would never have hired me nope, nope., not with my "English" I only can write this blog post because of a wonderful website --> Technology. it's a beautiful thing.Yes, I know what your thinking. How do you manage to teach English if you can't even speak English? Well no worries. Granted they don't understand me, but they had already paid for my plane ticket over here.  What could they do send me back? Nope. Nope, I'm an investment and too expensive to sell. I'm like a really bad cellphone service, you sign a year contract and then WAM! you discover that the phone drops calls left and right. It doesn't matter where you are. No matter if you're in a tunnel the call is dropped, or on top of a tunnel (call dropped), in your house (call dropped), or your if you climb the tallest telephone tower (call dropped)... Well my Korean school, poor things, is stuck with a bum call-dropping contract for a whole long year with me and all of my East Tennessee goodness. ::don't laugh, we make a mean chicken biscuit::Blah, Blah, Blah and finally some pictures to water down the Blahs ----> Aren't my Korean students beautiful? :)