While blasting Korea with bone-chilling winds and freeze your tush off weather, God remembered to send a little gift Korea's way.... The First Snow! The reason for snow? Well....I hypothesize that it is so we can now freeze to the bone and have fun doing....all in one lovely same breath :) Basically, it's just a less painful death. It for sure still leads to death, but just a more enjoyable one.You see, it's like drinking grape flavored gasoline vs. drinking regular unleaded flavored gasoline (I prefer the super unleaded Shell gasoline as a beverage myself).. However regardless of what gasoline you drink, you will die no matter the flavor----grape, cherry, or otherwise--- but the grape gasoline tastes "oh so delicious!" So your death just doesn't seem quite as painful. And you all know that I am a peace loving person and an advocate of merciful killings.....so bring on the Snow!