Happy Birthday! May it be Full of Specialness :)

Happy Birthday to one of the coolest people on the planet! My little brother, Michael. I hope your birthday is full of magic, Oreo ice cream and good country music.Can you believe how old you are today?You know, I remember when were just five years old, and you about gave us all heart attacks because you liked to stick metal knives and forks into the electric sockets. I assume you wanted to check if they were still working. And our sockets, without fail, worked very well. They lit you up, but I guess you didn't mind because you would still try to sneak past Mom and go back for more.Do you think the unnatural level of electrons in your body is the cause of your brute strength? hmmmm.. Quite possibly, Maybe this was why you would always gain muscle mass 20x faster than I would at the gym even though we both worked out the SAME amount of time with the SAME trainer. Not fair!But regardless of your past unhealthy obsession with electric conductivity, I want to say that I am super proud of the intelligent, fun, kind person you've grown into, and I wish I could be there to give you a big hug and a kiss and lecture you on life. But instead, I'm harnessing all my magical powers, and I'm sending loads of blessings your way from Asialand. These should keep you nicely until I see you again in a few months. :)Happy BIRTHDAY, party, party like it's 1999! :) Isn't he just the cutest thing you've ever seen? (hehe, I hope I'm succeeding in your severe discomfort, Michael. On a scale to 1-10 how uncomfortable are you? Because I am trying very, very hard).