To be free - To be alive - to live - to love and feel love floating in your bones, penetrating your very being.Simply beautiful - Love,. Love is God's mercy, grace, peace & life. We are surrounded by love if we want it. No, I think that we want this love of God's, but it is hard for us to accept it - Yes, acceptance is much harder for us humans.Why do we have such a time just accepting? We need this love and grace to cover our souls; we need true forgiveness and patience. I need to accept!God sees my little weak heart as it rides a roller coaster of self-doubt, yet I what I don't know is God's protection is there, His hands are surrounding me, incapsulating me. My heart struggles in fear, but God is gently telling me to be BOLD! Throw your bread onto the water - See what prospers. Maybe one or maybe all! (Ecc. 11:1-6)Yet if I wait for the perfect conditions, I'll never cast my bread or sow seeds.Seeds are just amazing things! You know we only have to cast our seeds and guess what? They will grow. How does that even happen? A farmer works tremendously hard, but who really does the hard work? God, of course - a farmer may plant apple seeds, water them, and then eventually reap these apples, but who grows and creates the marvel of the apple from a little itty bitty seed? It is God. This is incomprehensible, amazing and unbelievable, is it not?As God calls me to live life and sow seeds, I must recognize that yes, I well have to work very hard, but God's part, oh it's much grander, much more immense - enorme! - as they say in Spanish.God's hand is on everyone too, even on a student who studies for years to become a doctor .. How? Have you ever stopped to wonder how he can memorize all theses medical terms & preform these life-saving surgeries? All would be impossible without the amazingly complex brain - something no human can ever recreate, and this brain is all God's doing.Our jobs in life are big, for us, and they feel huge some days! But remember they are small in comparison to all that God promises to do for us if we do our part.So take heart, plant your seed, regardless of its imperfections, God will do His magic & make your seed into a bountiful peach orchard or perhaps a lovely coffee plantation if you prefer!