My Environment
Soooo... I'm back to school and according to a doctor my good grades are leading me to stress out which equals a too low body temperature leading to health issues(don't worry nothing major). But my brother's advice to me? just get bad grades. It will solve everything. Yes! perfect. I love you, Micheal. you're so intelligent. Such a sage(and I'm not talking about that little green thing you stuff inside a Turkey on Thanksgiving). So today I am sending a mass email to my teachers explaining why it is necessary for my health performance to do poorly in their class. I'm pumped! This is the Best Day of My life. It is up there with the day that I discovered that if you squeeze a little lime and chile on your Mango your mouth will start to parTY! yum!
Why is the title of this post my environment? Because I got an assignment from my photo professor where our class had to ditch our fancy-smancy cameras and use only plastic cameras instead. I decided to use a pretty blue Diana+ camera, Thanks to my amazing sisters Candace and Anna for that and my equally amazing model Emmy. The assignment theme? Your environment. So apparently this is my environment? Mom, are you worried? My photo professor is. I think the doctor was right. Mom, you should make an executive order and pull me out of school. Enjoy my environment. or be worried about it. it's a free country. Oh and more Plastic Camera fun to come soon as long as my body temperature doesn't lead to hypothermia.