The mountains in Nepal are pretty much the next best thing to dark chocolate and pumpkin pie. If I could have had the foresight to bring a pie with me to Nepal, I could have eaten it while hiking the mountain then I think I would have dropped dead on the spot from happiness, maybe next year. Have you ever been to a place where you felt just an overwhelming sense of peace and clarity? For me this was the Nepalese mountains. and imagine if I had brought a pumpkin pie with me on my journey to Everest Base Camp? Wow, I think I could have found the cure for cancer!I even tried to take a mountain back with me to South Korea, but the guy in airport security said that it clashed with my outfit and the fashion police in Seoul would not have such a lapse in fashion sense enter their country. I rolled my eyes better than a teenager, but gave in and allowed him to take my precious hunk of rock from me. ::sigh:: Next time I think I'll wear more of a neutral color and see if I can sneak it past the guard. I've just got to figure out how to fit it through the airport scanner.. hmm. any ideas?Before I'm off to start my Saturday morning here in Korea, I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving! It is really the best holiday of the year, and I'm am really very sad that I missed the opportunity to stuff my face in the USA with my beautiful family. ::inge proceeds to shed 2 tears:: <---- See I even shed virtual tears - 2 of them! - to let you know that I am not lying..I'm such a geniune person..::inge sighs and then sheds yet another tear:: I hope it was a lovely day for you all, and that you entered into a proper food coma., and that you ate more pumpkin pie than I did. [for my Thanksgiving day breakfast I ate 1/16 of a pie-it's like eating gold, delicious gold!]. But this begs me to ask? Where was my airmail package of pumpkin pie? Huh, huh? I'm not bitter.. NO.. not at all. so NOT hurt for not getting ANY pie not even a pie-scented card. rude!On Thursday here in Korea, it was a coincidentally the day of my school's fall festival. Can you guess what I made my kids dress up like, and perform for the entire school? 10 Little Indians. That's right. I was going for the most politically incorrect song possible. I would have dressed them up like 10 little pumpkins pies, but unfortunately there were no songs about pumpkin pie to justify my infatuation with the decadent dessert. Next year I'm writing a song to honor this golden, sweet, custardy disc of deliciousness. It will be a mad bestseller. I can already feel it. Ohhh... it's going to be good :) Well that's all for me now, please have a lovely black Friday in the States, score brilliants deals at the stores, but more importantly make me proud by eating loads of leftovers for breakfast, lunch and dinner, ok?
Food, Friends and the Pursuit of a Mountain ~ Part 2 ~
I made it out! Plastic Surgery and all.
Sooooo just in case you really missed me, or might have wondered if I might have died during my (our Mandy's and mine) 70 mile - 8 day climb, 18,192 ft high in the sky - to a place called Everest Base Camp in Nepal?... Did you even ask yourself where I was? Well don't feel bad because -- no, no, I didn't die - almost died- but death and cremation is too expensive, and you see, I have bad health insurance so I decided life was a cheaper option... Lucky for you, Mom, death is a pricey bugger... And even more lucky, I included a photo of myself in this blog post to prove my 100% alive-ness - see my portrait below --p.s. I may have gotten a wee bit of plastic surgery while in Nepal. It's uber cheap there, and I was having an ugly day so I thought some plastic would cheer me up! It did, but the plane ride back to Korea was surprisingly more difficult, and I'm always so hungry now. I could almost eat a c---... or maybe just a horse... hmmm strange., or is it?