*These portraits were taken in a movie theater with a simple bike light used as a spotlight. :) Try using non-photography lights for your portraits, you'll be surprised at what fun things that you can get!It's Monday here in South Korea, early in the morning. I'm drinking my Camomile tea and my brain is wandering off to its list-making land and beginning to wonder. how I will begin to do all the things that I need to do this week? The week ahead is full. So much to do! But my goal for this week is to not focus on the tasks that need to be done, but enjoying the fact that I get to do them. That I'm blessed enough to have the ability AND that people want me to help them do their projects and value the skills that God has given me. And that these skills will make their lives better. It is really quite awesome when I think about it that way.. :)Happy Week before Christmas everyone! Listen to so much Christmas music that your ears want to explode and drink so much egg-nog that your stomach wishes to do the same. :)
“there are only two ways to live your life. one is as though nothing is a miracle.the other is as though everything is a miracle.” albert einstein
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