I have to leave Mexico tomorrow and return to the states. My bags are packed, there's a bus to catch; there are tears in my eyes, and I think I'm sweating blood.... and then I woke up. Thank Heaven! But then when I woke up, I realized that I have exactly too few days left.... Yes, I know you guys will have to see me oh soooo soon. SADNESS. You guys will have to see my ugly face once again. Muhahaha! And you thought you had gotten rid of me. You can run but you can't hide for long.
However, the true is, I wouldn't worry too too much because you probably won't see me after I return for for a good bit. I'll probably be in some random Mexican panadería on Charlotte avenue in Nashville crying my eyes out into a bin of pan dulce, and then I'll probably go to one of the Tex-mex restaurants and yell at them for serving fake Mexican food. And then I'll wave my arms at them, my face will get really red and stem will be shooting from my ears and then I'll throw pan dulce at their fake Mexican food faces. Then I'll go back to the panadería and cry some more, and then find other fake mexican restaurant owners to yell at. So you guys won't need to hide, because I'll be good and occupied.Ok slight change of pace... so I haven't written in awhile uh. yeah i know I'm bad like that. Oddly enough me an communication aren't very good friends. Yes I'm a photojournalism student, but I prefer a lack of communication any day. It makes things more interesting; or it just means I have more holes to dig myself out of.
You should ask my Grandmother, I didn't call her for a good month or two after I got here and so that put me on her s-list and then I had to call her. Because really who wants to be on their grandmother's s-list? In fact, is there anything worse than being on your grandmother's s-list? You're actually nothing of a person if you're on your g-ma's s-list. First you don't get any of her love and we all know that if you don't get any love you don't get any food. And then it's just a bad situation and then you get really skinny and almost die. So therefore, of course, I called her, begged for her forgiveness and kissed her feet as best as any person could from Mexico.
I'm rabbit-trailing a lot right now. I think it's because It's been so long that I could talk about a lot and really write a nice book on the crazy life that I'm lead or actually the life that I like to pretend I lead. But I won't put you through the misery of telling you about the sketchy street hot dogs that taste like heaven and a half in a bun, what were we thinking we when decided that the only toppings that a hot dog needed are mustard and ketchup? WRONG! Or I won't go into the random fruit that looks that it's full of fish eggs. Instead I feel the need to write a list of all the things I'll be overwhelmingly happily, joyously, and tearfully be looking forward to when I arrive back to Tennessee. My psychiatrist said it would help with taco and tortilla withdrawal pains.
So here it goes.what am I looking forward to?. I feel like I'm in preschool and I've just done something bad. And for this mom and dad are forcing me write a list of all the things I'm thankful for but I don't want to write it, so I whine and jump around and whine some more. and lay on the floor and start kicking and screaming really, really loud. (you I've never done that, the whole floor and kicking routine, but I always have wondered if it would be fun. but I'm pretty sure that I've passed the age limit on trying that out. but who knows one day in Walmart I might try it out). would be likeafter I and I'm whining and telling them that I don't want too and tha. Ok sorry focus.... mmmm I'm thinking really, really, hard..... My brain is about to explode!!! Think of something, thing of something....::inge's cerebral starts to crack because she's thinking too hard; Somebody save her!:: Wait I Ok got one!! phew! And it's a good one....
1. I am looking forward to flushing my toilet paper down the toilet and not putting it in the trashcan. (I am so taking a picture of when I get to drop the toilet paper in the bowl for the first time in 4 months)
2. I can go the bathroom for free! No 3 peso charge! you don't know how happy this will make me!
3. Salads! The US of Aer's win with their ability to make an amazing salad. Did you know that Mexico doesn't have that ridiculously expensive-posh mixed green salad bags that I never buy because their too expensive? but in Mexico I Don't even have the option of buying this ridiculousness and that is crazy. and guess what you know those amazing orange tidbits know as baby carrots? the food of the gods; the food of every balanced lunch. Mexico doesn't have them either. I know!?! What is lunch without baby carrots. How has Mexico been deprived of Baby Carrots? They are the right of every human being.
4. Feeling fresh and clean... and Not feeling like I have to take a shower twice a day because the sweat is dripping of my face in the 95 degree weather.
5. American Manholes.....and not almost falling into the man holes in the sidewalk because I'm texting and walking at the same time. you know, you guys almost lost your precious Inge not from a drug trafficker but from the manholes that are left open that don't have sign that says "caution" or "Look your going die!" in any language.
6. American Apples
7. American Cellphones and not running out of minutes every week
8. I'm Looking forward to being ignored not admired for my deathly white skin. Oh Invisibility. It's a beauty!
9. 7 pesos(70 cents) to scan one sheet of paper into a computer. Ridiculous!
10. Getting off my Grandmother's S-List..... : ) this is most exciting one of all. I hope I'll be forgiven but there is much more feet kissing to be done....
Ok. this it, but I'll post some pictures soon of when Tim and Emmy came to visit me and some other random in sundries. Love you Guys and I'll see you soon.