A Prayer #32

© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, prayer, silent, quiet time, buddhism, thailand

Take time to look around you and say a prayer of thankfulness for all that you have, big or small. We all have something to be thankful for if we would open our hearts and put away our pride it would be easier to notice all the beautiful things we have to be thankful for.. Don't focus on the 2 or 3 bad things that happened in your day, look at the rest of the day. The part of the day that was good, you woke up, you ate breakfast, and kissed your husband, called your friend or had a nice dinner. So don't worry about the one rude look the barista shot at you or that your to-do list isn't finished. Your time is more valuable than to put your head in the bad things of the day.And even in bad, bad days, find the little nugget of goodness that happened and thank God. Every time you are thankful, your blessings increase and you are more capable of spreading your happiness to other people. So go now, make a list of things you're thankful for and then say a prayer of thankfulness... :-)My list for the day?My sweet husband who made me a delicious green juice this morning, the summer, my health, raindrops, the emails that I wrote today, black tea latte, worship music, soap that is super sudsy and water.. Water is amazing :-)