The Clock is Ticking Down... 2013, Here We Come!

The New Year is getting deliciously close! So much anticipation! :) Who knows what will be in the works for us all? Something good. Remember when you're looking for something good that you'll find it and lots of it! But also when you're looking for doom, you'll find plenty of that too!So in 2013 what will you look for?What will I look for? The happiest thing in the universe, of course! Dark Chocolate.This year remember to always look for the best in people and things.. Expect it, because when you expect the best somehow people and situations rise to your expectations.

“Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.”― Les Brown


A Wintery Wonderland

This past weekend, I had a long weekend and I had the itch to explore the outer realms of Korea, take a dive into the abyss you might say, but where to? Well I of course am super intelligent, a genius really. So where does my genius self go? I went to the only sane place to go to during a blizzard weekend, to a Korean beach of course.. So I put on my swimsuit and then proceeded to stick 10 shirts on, 5 pairs of pants on and 7 1/2 pairs of socks (couldn't find the 8th lefty sock..I swear it ran away. It was the rebellious type). So I layered up, stuck some chap stick and some super glue in my pocket (you know, just in case) and I prepared for an adventure on Mui Island and I found one..

There I outran polar bears, climbed Mount Everest, fought off snow monkeys with icicles, roasted 5 pound clams over the open flame in subzero temperatures, met the Swiss Family Robinson (they are so cool), and I still came back with all 8 1/2 fingers! (forgive my typos, please) ... Some how this trip gave me a new appreciations for winter. Maybe the cold caused brain freeze?