's a no inspiration for words kind of day, so I thought the picture above was appropriate for a day like this. And I haven't written in a while, and I'm about to return so I thought I should get one or two more life updates on the internet. My mood is very mellow today so my verbal bungee-jumping will, thank God, be put on hold until another day. So since I've have no gushing goobilygook for my dear audience. I guess I could maybe tell you what I've been up to. maybe. Well hmmmmm, what am I up to? Have I told you that I live with a Puerto Rican family? Because when I think about my blogs, I have realized that they are so very void of pertinent information. They probably lack actual information because I'm a firm believe no one really cares about a gushy soul-searching blogs. So therefore my generalization of the human population as just a bunch of shallow entertainment searching-souls means that I don't write much of anything but fluff. sorry, but fluff suits me better.So yes, I live with a Puerto Rican family which means that I still get to pretend that I'm living in a Hispanic country, and practice my Spanish with my east Tennessee accent(that is an ugly sound; I'm glad I don't have to hear myself talk. I block out the sound of my voice). My new family has a Spanish-speaking church; which means parties, lots of amazing hispanic food, and Spanglish galore, sigh. It's so beautifulI swear, I am not sure I could marry any other guy than a hispanic one. It's not that I find them that attractive, because I don't. But the families, the dancing, the parties, oh and of course, the food (like I could ever forget about the food, ha. impossible)! Wow, if i could have all those things; I think it would almost be worth a bad marriage. Hahaha! Kidding.(i'm not sure if I convinced anyone that was just kidding about my last remark. but it's so true i'm kidding about a bad marriage. i swear..)I love my living situation, and Maryland is not so bad for being northern state. Lot of beautiful trees and funny people to stare at, so I'm content. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not That hard to please. ;)So what has my summer been like. Well thousands of pictures and thousands more miles on my poor baby Car that is practically paint-less but she gives me about 28 mpg so I live; I just hope she will as well.This whole summer I have been running around from event to event shooting photos: some good; some not; some incredibly bad; but the beauty of all this photo taking is I'm even more tanned than when I got back from Mexico (I should have a shirt that reads "I'm shallow"). Moving on --- half of my assignments are outdoors so yup it's true. Inge is so very brown; well as brown as a whitie like me could be. Never in my life have I looked at my arms and thought "Oh my gosh, you're getting so dark." I never thought that day would come. But it has, and I will gloat about it for as long as I can. Because I know that when Sept 15 comes at exactly 2:36 p.m. my beautiful golden skin will be gone(like childhood,it ain't goin' to return), and I will have nothing to show for it. I'll be pastier than toothpaste with clorox in it. And I won't even have the pictures of my goldenness, because my face is always behind the camera and no one bothers to take the weird photog's picture. Yes life is terrible and I enjoy complaining about it...So here are some of the photos, and the people that I have subjected to my camera.... --->