Forget Your Perfection - Stupidity is Preferred :)

This weekend I met a Chinese business man in his 50s or 60s, who decided last year that he wanted to learn English, and now a year later after hours of self-study -- he listens to the English-Chinese translation of the Titanic over and over and over again... Thanks to Jack and Rose, he now can speak English rather well. ha!I was impressed because learning a new language is the most embarrassing task you can set out to accomplish. Learning a new language will make a genius of a person sound like a 5 year old child in a second. Forget the romance of Ooooo La La and conversing in sexy French or becoming the next Latin Lover. It will take you 1000s of hours of stupidity before you hit this level. Sorry. It's true.It's like like learning to walk. - You fall so many times that you're not sure that your knees or your face will ever return to their normal color again. AND....what makes it better it that usually when you're making your most EPIC fall, EVERYONE is watching you. Great! because really, what's more entertaining than watching the cute baby fail at walking or the white foreigner blubber something that sounds somewhat like your language?I, for one, really can't think of anything more fun.  ha! ^^That is why this Chinese man impressed me so much. He didn't care if he said something childish, embarrassed himself or mispronounced something. He's forgot his pride. I think that is why he has been so successful in his business life. because regardless of his age, status, success - He owns some of the largest companies in China - he still isn't afraid to try new things and fail miserable. How cool. :)I want to be more like that. Right now and when I'm 50 and 60..So here's the question of the day... What are you not doing because you fear failure or looking stupid? Go for it!People will eventually forget your mistakes and stop laughing at them because you'll eventually become so brilliantly skilled at whatever you keep trying at. And then you'll inspire others to do the same. Just like this Chinese man. :)

Quote of the Month.... Leonard Cohen

Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack, a crack in everything That's how the light gets in.
