Sumatran Life

So it's that time of year. You know the time of year that you clean out your closets or in my case clean out my hard drives, reorganize my life, build a website and conquer the world with a crazy fancy 'To Do' lists. What is this time of year called, I forget? Oh yes, Spring cleaning!. oh,, I'm a little late, huh? Ahhh well, we'll just have to call it 'early' spring cleaning..Look at me and all my overachieving ways! I'm just that good. ::Ok ya'll, quit laughing at me. I'm trying to make myself feel better about my superhuman ability to procrastinate::

As part of my Spring cleaning, I looking through pictures of my Indonesian escapades from last winter that never made it to the light of day because of that superhuman ability that I mentioned above. So here is the first a 2 or 3 blog posts series on Indonesia/Nepal and the warmth of these beautiful countries that has currently vanished from Korea-land and will never return again! Ever! My toes will be amputated this week due to the state of the Korean winter and next week my nose will go too! Ok, maybe I am being a little dramatic, they are only chopping off 4 of my toes and half my nose, but you don't understand what it is like to go through six months of straight winter and have to wear long johns and wool coats in May! In May, people! I brrrrreaks even the strongest of spirits.

As part of my attempts to psychologically trick myself into thinking that I will not die during this winter, I am drinking Indonesia coffee by the gallons, turning on the sun lamps, buying a new swimsuit, and listening to Hawaiian music, oh and I even ordered sand for my apartment floor! What do you think? Do you think I'll survive? Ha, Bingo! You're very, very, right dear readers. I'm toast! Burnt toast, so burnt that even the butter knife scraping technic won't help my situation. I'm doomed! No more toes or fingers for me, and I might as well say goodbye to my whole nose too. I can just think of it as cheap plastic surgery, right, right?. ::Happy thoughts, Inge. Happy thoughts!::