Vanessa + Daniel

So Mandy and I were at it again, and this time I dragged my aunt along for another adventure. This time to photograph the wedding of Vanessa and Daniel. Where to? Omaha, Nebraska. A 13+ hour drive! Yes I'm crazy. I have a doctor's note that attests to it. The note even has that extra hideous doctor handwriting to prove the legitimacy of my decrepit mental state. But this trip was a grand adventure and one that I'll never forget. Well, I may forget the 1000001 barn I saw driving there, however the 1000002 barn was a show stopper. literally. I almost wrecked the car after seeing it. don't ask. you don't want to know. The back seat driver And the peanut gallery were stunned speechless. It was perfect. :)

The wedding day was a day overflowing with emotion and excitement. It took the meticulously planning of Vanessa for all the details to come together. The ceremony was filled with tearful guests. I almost cried, and I never cry (my heartless state is so bad that I am often referred to as an ice queen and accused of having tears of stone). So my almost tearful experience is evidence that this was a unique day in so many ways. Thank-you Daniel and Vanessa for inviting me to be a part of your big day.

But before the pictures I can't forget to thank Mandy McConaha for coming to photograph with me. It is never the same without you (check at her beautiful work here --> ). And a huge shout out to my aunt for dealing with me and my oddities for 13 hours straight, twice, there and back.

This wedding had such a classic feel to it that I felt that it needed to be edited in black and white. I just had to edit it that way because when the photography gods in my head say black and white, I obey. You never question them. It is blasphemy. (it's like throwing a party in the South and not serving Sweet Iced Tea. You DON'T do it. Or you'll be exiled to New Jersey or, or....Indiana..shudder)

After that ridiculous introduction, here are just a few of the favorite images we captured. Congratulations Daniel and Vanessa!