So here I am where? Well unfortunately not in Mexico. Far from it actually but I have moral dilemma so I am not sure if I have the right to write to continue blogging because the whole purpose of this thing was to stalk me while I was in Mexico, but I am not there anymore so I am not sure if I'll get punished by the blog police who punish all the bad bloggers of the world. I don't even have a good excuse to why I want to continue writing it's not like I got into such a habit that I just can't quit writing. because we all know that I don't update this blog. The chances of me updating this thing regularly are about as good as the chance that your boss will call you and tell you that he appreciates your hard work and your getting a raise or hoping the kid that's digging for gold won't eat the gold the he finds. Basically my point is that I never blog.But in the spirit of terrible blogging I decided that I will continue this blog because I feel like it and the blog police will have to drag me off of whatever couch or floor or more likely movie theater that they happen to find me sleeping in and stop me from posting this low-quality piece of work. Because I'm am tainting the internet world with my words, and I am utterly enjoying it.So my point, uhhh well let's see do I have a point? probably not but we'll try it out. So oh yes I was talking about where I am located in the world. I am no longer in the beautiful place called Mexico: the place of papaya filled breakfasts or fresh squeezed orange juice. I'm in Maryland, and I'm pretty sure at the price of 64 cents a piece oranges at the Wal-mart here, I can make a half of a Sippy cup full of sour orange juice on my budget of living...Booo! but I am having fun learning that northerners are just as unsophisticated as southerners. No matter how hard they try to hide behind their funny accents they aren't sophisticated. Because the hard truth is that everybody's got hick inside of them. They just haven't yet learned how to embrace it yet, but they will. Well some have already begin to like this lady... She is just ahead of her times I guess.Yes, that right she is donning a beer box hat, and laughing at you all at the same time. She told me they would be a perfect present for you and your father for Father's Day because they're versatile and you can actually but up to 6 cans of your favorite beer into the hat because it's a water proof hat and insulated. MultiTasking at it's best my friends... You better buy now or all the beer boxes of the world will run out because of the high demand for these hats and you will not have a beer box hat and then your life will not be complete. Your life will be sad and LONELY because all your friends will have a hat and you won't and then they won't invite you to their beer box hat parties because, OF course, you didn't buy a hat and you would just be awkward at a beer box hat party cause you don't have a hat. Don't let your life be sad and hatless: Buy a beer hat... only 34.99 for the cardboard contraption. Only 34.99 to be less pathetic. =)Well anyway, i got off track again. Sorry..... So I'm working at a newspaper here and it is really interesting so far. Yes sometimes I get terrible assignments like taking a picture of fiberglass butterflies that are hanging on trees which is about as exciting as watching brown dead grass grow, but other times it crA-Z. Like this past weekend instead of thinking about how fun it would be blogging, I went to the crazy event called the Honfest and it was in Baltimore and it's a festival where girls to ladies dress up like they are from the 50's with beehives on their heads and cat-eyed glasses and then talk like their are from baltimore. and they have a famous accent or something I'm not too sure; I just believe it's their hopeless attempt to avoid the hick inside. Anyway, then after this they have contests to see who is the Best Hon of the festival.I was great I am pretty sure that at this event the people watching was even better than the people watch that occurs while driving down Broadway in Nashville at night on the weekends ( basically at this time the streets are full of tourist that are walking up and down the streets in their cowboy hats and boots, mini skirts and tight jeans because they believe that all people in Nashville wear cowboy boots and a hat, but in reality only tourists wear them. those poor tourists always so gullible). But the beehivers so beat the fake cowboys. They even beat the weird airport people that I know all of you watch in-between flight layovers. So you should be feel bad about yourself as a person that you didn't come with me and experience the people watching phenomenon.But the good new for you is that you might be able to forgive yourself because next year there will be another festival where you can go to be forgiven for not going the previous year; but you'll only be forgiven if you promise to buy Inge a really pretty birthday present. (I know my b-day is months away, but a smart Girl Scout knows that you have to start dropping hints early or no one will have enough time to save enough money for a present. It's the first rule in the scout handbook. The first girl scout that convinced her parents to buy her a pony wrote that rule. The second rule talks about how to get to successfully persuade your parents to buy lots of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies you you, the Girl Scout, can eat them without paying anything. You should read the handbook sometime; it's full of life lessons. ) So I'll stop tainting the internet with my words and start tainting with my pictures here are a few pictures from the people-watching phenomenon in Baltimore . below and I uploaded MUCH more to this website because I'm a really bad photo editor so I just dumped them all on this site -----> Enjoy or don't, your choice, I don't care I am just happy that my life is complete because I have a beer box hat and you don't --- HA! =)The First One Mandy says that it will be me when I'm 80. Yup, Apparently I am about to become the hussy version of the Old Navy Lady WhooHoo! My life holds so much promise!
And the last one as usual is just for my personal viewing pleasure only, because I like the pic. More pics are ---> .. Until next time!