New Website Giddiness!

I am super excited! Yes I used the word SUPER!!! How can this be? Me, excited? Why, How? It is still winter, and I am in Korea, the land of snow, ice, and 8.5 toes....Well, you see there has been a startling turn in events.. The ocean is thawing, the birds are singing, and I think that the White Witch is loosing her power! (sorry for my Narnia reference, I could not help it).You don't believe me? I almost didn't believe myself, except guess what the high temperature was today? 54F!!! I know! I'm practically putting on my bathing suit and going poolside, where's my SPF and umbrella-dressed drink?!? Last year it snowed in April, but this year it's looking like Mr. Spring or Aslan, if I continue with my above analogy, is going to win this battle.. I'm giddy...Giddy, I just love that word.. Don't you?In the spirit of giddiness, warmer weather excitement, and all the newness of Spring; I am adding my own newness to the world. And No, I am not pregnant.. ::Shame, on you for thinking such a thought!:: But even more exciting than new babies, finally after many months of hard work and pipping hot cups of delicious cherry cordial coffee, Yum! I have not just 1, but 3 new websites for Inge Kathleen Photography.. Yahoo! <--- another stunning wordThank-you everyone who helped me design and tweak them. They are much better because of you all.. Well if you have a few minutes and of course you do, because you love me ::cough, cough:: Check them out!-  If you do, I'll give you a really great virtual bear hug or treat you to the awesomest coffee ever, if you come visit me in Asialand -  and as always, I'd love to know what you think of all the newness.Now off to find out where I stuck my dainty parasol and green polka-dot sundress. :)1. My editorial photography: www.ingekathleen.com2. My lifestyle portrait photography: My blog: - but don't worry about clicking this link because you are already @ the blog :) ~ but you can subscribe to all the blog updates by email on the left handside. Just put your email in and you will automatically be emailed when there is an update. It's crazy easy. To contact: