Every year all of the world people gather to celebrate the birthday of Buddha. Here I got the pleasure of celebrating Buddha's birthday in the heart of Seoul, South Korea.
Korean Spring Portrait Session Sale!
Spring is FINALLY here in Korea and that makes me super giddy and happy, inside and out! And in the spirit of all things springy and new, I am having a big 15% off sale, off everyone of my Lifestyle Portrait Sessions! So you can send fresh Korean photos of your adorable kids or you and your sweetheart back home to the family.All you must do is contact me @ 010-2572-3905 or email me at ingekathleen@gmail.com before April 22nd, mention this blog post, and I will give you 15% off the portrait session of your choice!Oh, and to help you enjoy the Korean spring to its fullest, here are a couple of links so you can have a spring full of cherry blossom picnics, and strawberry picking extravaganzas!view my portfolio hereview my portfolio here
New Website Giddiness!
I am super excited! Yes I used the word SUPER!!! How can this be? Me, excited? Why, How? It is still winter, and I am in Korea, the land of snow, ice, and 8.5 toes....Well, you see there has been a startling turn in events.. The ocean is thawing, the birds are singing, and I think that the White Witch is loosing her power! (sorry for my Narnia reference, I could not help it).You don't believe me? I almost didn't believe myself, except guess what the high temperature was today? 54F!!! I know! I'm practically putting on my bathing suit and going poolside, where's my SPF and umbrella-dressed drink?!? Last year it snowed in April, but this year it's looking like Mr. Spring or Aslan, if I continue with my above analogy, is going to win this battle.. I'm giddy...Giddy, I just love that word.. Don't you?In the spirit of giddiness, warmer weather excitement, and all the newness of Spring; I am adding my own newness to the world. And No, I am not pregnant.. ::Shame, on you for thinking such a thought!:: But even more exciting than new babies, finally after many months of hard work and pipping hot cups of delicious cherry cordial coffee, Yum! I have not just 1, but 3 new websites for Inge Kathleen Photography.. Yahoo! <--- another stunning wordThank-you everyone who helped me design and tweak them. They are much better because of you all.. Well if you have a few minutes and of course you do, because you love me ::cough, cough:: Check them out!- If you do, I'll give you a really great virtual bear hug or treat you to the awesomest coffee ever, if you come visit me in Asialand - and as always, I'd love to know what you think of all the newness.Now off to find out where I stuck my dainty parasol and green polka-dot sundress. :)1. My editorial photography: www.ingekathleen.com2. My lifestyle portrait photography: www.ingekathleen.com/site3. My blog: www.ingekathleen.com/blog - but don't worry about clicking this link because you are already @ the blog :) ~ but you can subscribe to all the blog updates by email on the left handside. Just put your email in and you will automatically be emailed when there is an update. It's crazy easy. To contact: ingekathleen@gmail.com
Free at Last!!!!
My poor, poor blog is free! Free at last from the nasty, life-sucking, hateful, treacherous, good for nothing, jerk viruses that infected its soul for the past month! Ahhhh... how sweet is the taste of freedom.... and come to think of it the taste of chocolate raspberry ice cream is pretty nice too or really just edible food would be nice too. humph! but that's another matter entirely.....and it is just between me, my poor deprived stomach, my evil lunch lady and her bad, bad lunch today.... I can't talk about it. I won't. I refuse! I mustn't say a word, not a peep! Nope! My lips are sealed! My stomach sheds many tears when we go there and discuss the unspeakable.. (I'm sorry, poor stomach, Mama will get you your proper daily quota of sugar and caffeine to make up for the fried fermented "food" you were fed!)But enough of these unhappy musings! I will deal with the lunch lady tomorrow, Texas hold 'em style ;) Today is a time for celebration.. break out the champagne and bake me a lasagna for dinner, extra cheese please, because my blog is free! Free! like a hippie only with less hair... Free like a bird, except it won't poop on your head... Free like water at a restaurant but with no annoying trips to the you know where.....because of your overactive you know what.....Ohhhhh and you know what this freedom means for the world? It means that the angels can finally resume their singing in Heaven, the muffin man can bake, Cupid can love match, and chocolate will be forever calorie free! Here's a photo to begin this ever joyous occasion! :)
The Updated Website!
Happy New Year!!! I hope all of your new year's celebrations were spectaculous. Mine was interesting to say the least. In honor of the new year, resolutions and mexican hot dogs, I have completely updated my website with new photographs... :) Please check it out and let me know what you think --> www.ingekathleen.com
And yesterday was my brother's 14th birthday and for it I was teaching him how to use a camera and he came out with the shot below. I thought it was a pretty sweet image.