Being Free #33

Free, Kite, Spain, Sant Feliu, ©, Inge Hooker©, water, ocean, freedom, boats, Spain, Sant FeliuSant Feliu, Spain, Summer 2012. It was a beautiful July day, almost a year ago on the beaches of Sant Feliu de Guixols. These pictures bring back the feeling of peace and freedom. Lately I've been understanding the source of freedom comes from truth; I want to learn what the truth really is. Because when you know the truth you get to be free...John 8:32 says, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Cool, right?Don't live in fear of the truth, but embrace it. Search for it. Don't lie to yourself or be afraid of what you'll find. Even if you find a truth that isn't pleasant. You know what, now at least you know what is real so you have power to can change it. But you can't do much of anything when you're become drowsy and drunk with lies. So Go! Search the truth out in your life, look it in the eye, because when you find it you will finally be free and freedom is so sweet.

Free at Last!!!!

My poor, poor blog is free! Free at last from the nasty, life-sucking, hateful, treacherous, good for nothing, jerk viruses that infected its soul for the past month! Ahhhh... how sweet is the taste of freedom.... and come to think of it the taste of chocolate raspberry ice cream is pretty nice too or really just edible food would be nice too. humph! but that's another matter entirely.....and it is just between me, my poor deprived stomach, my evil lunch lady and her bad, bad lunch today.... I can't talk about it. I won't. I refuse! I mustn't say a word, not a peep! Nope! My lips are sealed! My stomach sheds many tears when we go there and discuss the unspeakable.. (I'm sorry, poor stomach, Mama will get you your proper daily quota of sugar and caffeine to make up for the fried fermented "food" you were fed!)But enough of these unhappy musings! I will deal with the lunch lady tomorrow, Texas hold 'em style ;) Today is a time for celebration.. break out the champagne and bake me a lasagna for dinner, extra cheese please, because my blog is free! Free! like a hippie only with less hair... Free like a bird, except it won't poop on your head... Free like water at a restaurant but with no annoying trips to the you know where.....because of your overactive you know what.....Ohhhhh and you know what this freedom means for the world? It means that the angels can finally resume their singing in Heaven, the muffin man can bake, Cupid can love match, and chocolate will be forever calorie free!  Here's a photo to begin this ever joyous occasion! :)