It's Hot Enough to Fry an Egg! #15

Yes, #15 is late by almost one week, but I have good excuses. (Have you noticed that I always have good excuses? I believe that I'm a master excuse maker! I think I could be employed by the postal service or some any other governmental organization to run their 'excuse' department. I would be fabulous!) but what is my excuse on the sunny/rainy/bi-polar summer day?Well....I have just been so busy these past two weeks drinking coffee, eating smoked salmon and salads, getting massages and pedicures with the best of friends, sleeping in boat houses, swimming in the river, motorcycling through the tropics in torrential rains and eating pounds and pounds of papaya and pineapple that I just didn't have the time to post my portrait. Yes such a hard life!.. I'm practically a child laborer! But alas....I had to get it together and post my self-portrait today. Too much dilly dally is not good for the soul! (<--- I actually don't believe that, but I figured I should add that so all you people out there, don't think I'm 100% lazy, just 94.5% lazy factor )This week the portrait is in honor of the deliciously scorching weather of the summer. Any day of the week, I don't care how extreme, I would rather be hot, hot, hot, hot, than cold. The cold is death to me! When I'm cold, all I want to do is curl up in a little ball with a cup of hot chocolate and soup and hibernate. I bless the day God created the sizzling heat! It's fantastic ^^More blog updates to come soon because I've got absolutely nothing but relaxing and piddling to do this week! Unless I get distracted by Thai massages or cooking classes and in that case, you may never hear from me ever again. But know that I will always love you all very dearly.Remember to check out Mandolyn's Self-Portrait here :)