I'm starting a 365 day project. I have always wanted to and now I am. I think there will be many more 365 day projects to come. Everyday I am committed to ask at least one person for their picture. The point of this project is that my most favorite thing about photography is people, but I don't take enough pictures of people because I am afraid to ask them for their picture. After 365 days, at the very least I will have met many new people and taken many their picture and overcome my fears. I can't let fears of rejection overtake me. That just won't do!I am reading through Proverbs this month, and I came upon this verse.Proverbs 21:5The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.This will be my verse of the year, perhaps life. It reminds me to be patient with myself and God, and to do a little bit a day, because going quickly only brings poverty, but diligence and consistency is what brings success.Have a lovely day~