Squares and Morning Couples ~ 9/365

The light beaconed me to wake up early, and I'm glad I did. Golden Light is such a good reason to get your hind parts out of bed.

Couple 1: They were in too much in a hurry to give me their information, but they were kind enough to give me this kiss picture.

© www.ingekathleen.com/blog

© www.ingekathleen.com/blogCouple 2: University Students... Lee Eung Jeon; 23; He likes clothes. (Notice his Gap shirt) with Jeon Eun Yeong, 23, She likes bags. (I think that she means purses) Their likes seems to match up quite nicely.

Pretty Shoes ~ 8/365

Have you ever seen prettier shoes? I makes me want to go out and buy some new sneakers as we speak. Oh the lovely colors!© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, South Korea, Shoes© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, South Korea, Shoes

A group of friends, enjoying a sunny afternoon together outside of Emart - Korea's Wal-mart equivalent.Kim La Yeong 15, - Purple Descent Shoes -- She likes ChocolateKim Ji Su, 16, -- Pink New Balance -- She likes CamerasBak Ju Yeong, 15, Purple and Gray Asics-- She likes Sun ShineYoun Ye Un, 16, - Teal Shoes, She likes PuppiesJeong Yu Jin, 15, Pink Converse - She likes Pink

© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, South Korea, Shoes© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, South Korea, Shoes© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, South Korea, Shoes© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, South Korea, Shoes

Japanese Restaurant ~ 4/365

© Inge K. HookerName: Jun Eun-Seo Age: 27Today, I was really avoiding going out to take a picture, but there is no way I can quit on day 4. So around 4 pm, I got up the guts to go into a Japanese noodle restaurant that had beautiful Jesus-light streaming in.This guy really hated his picture being taken, but I insisted and he caved in when I said that I would only take a couple of pictures of him.

Rainy Days Are the Best ~ 3/365

When I heard the raining falling out my window, I wasn't sure that I wanted to get up this morning to ask people for their picture, but I did. In bed promised myself a piece of "See's" Chocolate from the USA if I could wake-up and go outside. After that thought, I jumped out of bed got dressed in a raincoat, savored a piece of chocolate (actually I cut open 3 different pieces of chocolate to see what was inside and had a quarter piece of each chocolate so I could have more variety. Yes, I'm a sucker for variety.) and then after dissecting chocolate made my way out into the torrential rains.Lately I have been wondering what is the point of my photography and if it really does any good to take lots of pictures. What do the pictures really do? Can they help many people later? At times this thought discourages me from pursuing it strongly, but today I learned something. When I was coming home after taking picture 3/365, I was soaked, shoes were drenched, I was a bit cold, but I flying.This is what I realized, at the very least photographing people make me appreciate God and his creation, every time I return from taking pictures of random people I feel like I just have won the lottery. So perhaps, these photographs will do nothing more than fill me with joy and appreciation for God and his people. Then so be it, because that in itself makes it worth doing. La fotografia vale la pena.© Inge Hooker, South Korea, Daejeon, Rainy Days© Inge Hooker, South Korea, Daejeon, Rainy Days© Inge Hooker, South Korea, Daejeon, Rainy Days© Inge Hooker, South Korea, Daejeon, Rainy Days, Rain Drop

Family Portrait ~ 2/365

© Inge Hooker, Family, South Korea, DaejeonColor and Black in White :-)Almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.Steve Jobs

Day One of Many More :-) 1/365

© Inge Hooker , Daejeon, South Korea, Pai Chai University

I'm starting a 365 day project. I have always wanted to and now I am. I think there will be many more 365 day projects to come. Everyday I am committed to ask at least one person for their picture. The point of this project is that my most favorite thing about photography is people, but I don't take enough pictures of people because I am afraid to ask them for their picture. After 365 days, at the very least I will have met many new people and taken many their picture and overcome my fears. I can't let fears of rejection overtake me. That just won't do!I am reading through Proverbs this month, and I came upon this verse.Proverbs 21:5The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.This will be my verse of the year, perhaps life. It reminds me to be patient with myself and God, and to do a little bit a day, because going quickly only brings poverty, but diligence and consistency is what brings success.Have a lovely day~

The Creature is Sleeping #19

“People say, 'I'm going to sleep now,' as if it were nothing. But it's really a bizarre activity. 'For the next several hours, while the sun is gone, I'm going to become unconscious, temporarily losing command over everything I know and understand. When the sun returns, I will resume my life.'If you didn't know what sleep was, and you had only seen it in a science fiction movie, you would think it was weird and tell all your friends about the movie you'd seen.They had these people, you know? And they would walk around all day and be OK? And then, once a day, usually after dark, they would lie down on these special platforms and become unconscious. They would stop functioning almost completely, except deep in their minds they would have adventures and experiences that were completely impossible in real life. As they lay there, completely vulnerable to their enemies, their only movements were to occasionally shift from one position to another; or, if one of the 'mind adventures' got too real, they would sit up and scream and be glad they weren't unconscious anymore. Then they would drink a lot of coffee.'So, next time you see someone sleeping, make believe you're in a science fiction movie. And whisper, 'The creature is regenerating itself.”― George Carlin, Brain Droppings