Hello Dear Thailand! #16

Have you noticed that it's taken me longer than our allotted 16 weeks to get my #16 self-portrait live? Well I'm very sorry dear world, I've been terribly busy with all the moving about, from this plane to the next, and then buses, boats, motorbikes, donkeys and even llamas my head is practically about to spin off and I'm still not done moving! I have one more trip yet to make!, but at least I have made it to my next country of residence, Thailand!It feels so good and warm to be here., and hopefully I'll be settled into my new home before the end of this week and then I can show you all my new pad.Be sure to check out Mandolyn's beautiful blog here!p.s. Ok, so this picture might not have exactly been taken in Thailand, but it was as Thai as my little Korean town could manage.. :)