One Late Night! #17

Ohhh.. ! I’ve been bad! Yup it’s true! Me and my self portraitness has been tardy, tardy, I’ve been worse then all of my Latin American friends put together!, but I have good excuses. Cause I always do! They're fabulously fun to make up, you know!So what’s mine this time? Oh you want to know, do you? Well over this past month since Aug 13th I’ve moved a total of 3 times and finally, finally as last week or Sept 3rd I reached my permanent destination.. Well, at least for the next 6~8 months, let’s be honest a 6 month location is pretty permanent for me and my meandering self.Where did I decide on? Thailand! The sunshine and the fruit signed and sealed that deal! I’m living up in Northern Thailand in the Jungle!......., It’s sorta of awesome actually. Sans the squatty potties :shudder: and those pesky hand-sized spiders that crawl up my bedroom walls at night.At least I don’t live in Australia, then I might be dead by now. But the hand-sized spiders are totally non-poisonous, Mom, I swear! And really they are only the size of a 4 or 5 year olds hands not quite man-sized., or at least I haven’t seen those yet.But lets be honest, folks. I would take a man-sized spider over a squatty potty any day of the week. Squatty potties are just a real travesty, and cut out any chance of ever reading the newspaper in the bathroom again. It’s a shame. I don’t know how countries with squatty potties ever become literate. I’m going to start a campaign called “Kill the Squatties, increase Literacy!” It would really be that easy!So coffee shops and wireless internet haven’t quite made it to these parts. It’s quite a bit of a trek to find internet in these parts. A hard day’s labor really., akin to hiking a mountain, slaughtering dinner with your bare hands and then tearing it to bits with your teeth., which sounds like a fabulous task for my third week here. I’m a little too youthful for that one now.But back to the internet issue, if you want to use Skype you have to pay a cool 12 dollars an hour! Yikes! Yet luckily I found a nice little bamboo hut that lets me surf the web and email my dear friends and family for free, as long as they can crowd around my computer and stare at all the interesting things that the foreigner is looking at. Ehhhh, well I guess nothing in this world is really completely free., eh, eh?I think I’ll be using ‘Eh’ a lot in the next few blog posts. I’m learning a new language in this jungle to pass the time so that I don’t go mad and get jungle fever or go ape or whatever one of those random wilderness diseases are..  My point?  They say ‘eh’ a lot in this language and ‘La’ too.. So excuse my ‘eh, eh’ and ‘la, la’ overkill if you can help it., dear readers.So I’m trying to get back on the Self Portrait schedule. I will try my best. It may take me a week or so more to get adjusted here and get my life in order again. but it will happen and more portraits to come. Here is #17. This is the last portrait from my time in Korea..Here, here to creating the next set of portraits here in this jungle.
