Introducing a New Series.. "We Dream"

Introducing a New Series : We Dream

I just love dreams, especially the ones that we dream when we are fully awake. These are the most delicious kind of all. Like Apple pie and Vanilla ice cream, superb!We all have dreams in us, big and small. On good days, we are brave enough to admit that we dream to ourselves and other, yet on other days we feel too foolish or discouraged to dream. So we tend push our dreams away to make way for "reality." and a realistic lifestyle. But why?Do you know something?We all have amazing talents and wild passions so why should we settle for just reality? You think that we settle for reality because this is how we think we'll achieve success? But wait, have you wondered who really defines success, anyhow? Who decided that success means a stable job, a house, a spouse, 2 kids or a biannual vacation to Florida? And why did we believe him? Because he fabricated the whole story!Success isn't any of those things. Success is unique to each one of us.Here is another question for you.. to get you thinking.. if you stopped, and took the time to define success for you, would you find that your success is different than status quo success? Success for you could be living in a cottage in a quiet forest eating wild berries and honey or directing an orphanage with many little munchkins or travelling the world by bicycle or just being happy and peaceful or (you, fill in the blank). These can all be success, can’t they?So many people, myself included, feeling pressure and fear to achieve the definition of success that those other people tell us we ought to achieve. Why don’t we stop and define success for ourselves? It would be so much more fun, wouldn’t it? People’s expectations of you weigh you down. Dreaming is more exciting, and it brings more life.I want more life around us, not less. We need more happiness. Did you know that dreaming has been scientifically proven to stimulate the part of the brain which is positive, open to change and new possibilities? That's neat right? This is precisely why I want to begin this series about dreamers and their dreams. So we can open up our minds and hearts to see the possibilites that lie inside us and ahead of us. I want to meet and interview people from all walks of life, ages and countries and ask them this simple question. What is the best life that you could dream of living in 10-15 years time? And through sharing their dreams I hope it will inspire other people to dream too.So let’s dream together. I know it is scary at times... but let's go for it! Allow yourself to dream, because it is amazing what your heart holds when you’re vulnerable enough to dream.

Stay tuned for our first dreamer.. She is Anna from Russia.

But while you wait, here is a video to get you excited about dreaming again. It is really worth taking a few minutes of your time to watch and listen. For me watching it was Inspiring, Wise and Life-changing. Enjoy. :-)