Watermelon Salad Love

It's Monday here in Thailand, and Monday is always a good day to express Love right? It helps the Mondays go a wee bit better than if you had less love. And how do I choose to express my love on this lovely Monday? With a salad of course. I can't think of much else in the whole wide world that I like to make and eat than a nice big amazing salad. Three times a day, if possible.I am a little or perhaps a lot in love with salads. I am in fact twitterpated with salads. Yes, twitterpated is a word. Google it.I love salads so much that eventually I'm plan on opening my own salad restaurant, but that shan't be for years in the future, in a foreign land, with odd looking people surrounding me. For now I'm very happy with my picture taking ways. In the meantime, I thought it would be fun to have you come along with me on my salad escapades. Perhaps you'll even be a brave soul and try to make AND eat one of these creations? Gasp! Perhaps, but I shan't get my hopes too high, it is only Monday, you know.My first salad of choice? Well I opened up the refrigerator last night and the food started speaking, ::what? the food doesn't normal speak to you too?:: Well this is what my food friends introduced me to.

Mr. Cashew, Watermelon*, Coconut Salad

* cultural note * My Thai brother says that Watermelon is a lady's fruit, but I disagree. He is just jaded because he is Thai, and the only fruit he still likes is durian and rambutan.  Lames choices of fruit lovin' if you ask me.

The recipe follows the pictures :)


(change amounts to personal taste + experiment please! that's what makes cooking so fun!)

1. 2 cups seedless or seed watermelon cubed

2. 1 cup fresh coconut meat sliced

3. 1 cup tomatoes sliced in eighths

 4. 2 cups sm. white radishes found an asian grocery store.

Amazing, amazing!

5. 1 small onion sliced thinly

6. 1/2 cup cashew nuts halves + 1/4 cup (saved for garnish)

7. olive oil + salt to taste

prepare and mix first the first 6 ingredients. Toss the salad with the olive oil and salt to taste.

Then make it all pretty like with a drizzle of oil and 1/4 cashew nuts to top it off!