Juice Fast Challenge : Day 14 - Cranky Days! + Transitions!

© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, cafe, I want coffee, I want cafe, cranky, juice fast, juice cleanse

photo by juan job

Quote of the Day: 

Juan: (he offers me 50$ cash)Me: No, I don't want the money, I can't buy anything!!!!!Him: What do you mean?Me: I can't buy any coffee! (Wahhhh!)

Story of the Day: 

Him: Awh.. poor baby, You’re finally normal, like me! he said while jumping in circles and laughing..He was so excited because this was probably the first time I had expressed any of my cravings to him Before he felt like he was the only one, but I joined his lament party today. Ha! But we didn’t have much more time to party because I was off to teach class.Today was hard mentally. You would think once you reach day 14, you’d be excited and ready to push through to the end! but not quite. I was mopey and Juan was glad that I was finally having a rough time.. hehehe. Since all of the other days it was him. Today he is transitioning into food, by eating salads and things so his digestion system is ready to digest all the chicken that he wants it to. But I alas! have decided not to start my transition until 15 day and start eating at a point on the 15th day, fruit or something.Yet today is not day 15, it is only 14, and oh my! it seems like it will never end. You know it was only 10:30 in the morning, I want to curl in bed and mope, so that the day would pass. No, I’m not that tired. My energy is fine. I’m hungry, but I don’t want to juice again, and where is my food? An egg would be nice. I think I might have starved today, if Juan hadn’t made me juice. I was not about to juice any more. Isn’t it funny how attached we get to chewing food? Ridiculous and Curious its effect. Even when we're not hungry. I should do a study about this.People ask me what I miss the most, and I say salad with salmon. Ha! I’m too healthy I think. People look at me like I’m crazy.., but then I whisper to them...and I would really like a cappuccino and chocolate too. :-)It's a cranky day but tomorrow, Foood! or at least a little bit of it.Juan's Cranky too today; he wants Pollo! (Chicken)©www.ingekathleen.com/blog, cranky, juice fast, juice cleanse, I want Chicken, I want Pollo,


Ok so any more tips that I've found on transition? After you make a plan... Go slowly, and eat the foods that you've been juicing. Only eat them in raw form. Also continue to juice for 2-3 meals. This will make it easier on your stomach to digest. We've been juicing fruits and vegetables, so these same fruits and vegetables we should eat and juice too. and eat in small portions. This period will last for about 3 days - 7 days and then after this time you can add one light protein to your diet. e.g. 1 piece of chicken or fish for one meal.. and then wait 3 more days to add 1 more portion.Resources: Getting off of a Fast from Just On Juice.com and Article #2 from IZO Cleanse.com

Stats of the Day: 

Juan--Juice: 1.5-2 Liters / Water: 2 liter Food: Salad for lunch and salad Eggs for dinner Weight: 5 kg less than the start  Energy: Up and Down Mood: Not Good Hunger: A lot today Detox Symptoms: sore throat, but his skin is glowing :) Cheats: None Cravings: Pasta and ChickenInge--Juice: 2 Liters / Water: 2 liters  Weight: 3-4 kg less than the start  Energy: Really good.Mood: Down in the Morning, up in the afternoon.. at night pretty good. Hunger: Yup, hungry at times, but not too bad, and cleaning the juicer again doesn’t sound appealing Detox Symptoms: None really Cheats: Nothing Cravings: A coffee and a salad

Comment Below Ya'll :-)


Read The Juice Fast Series 

1. Juice Fast Introduction2. Juice Fast Day 1 ~ Juicing Resources3. Juice Fast Day 2 ~ Special Guest4. Juice Fast Day 3 ~ Think Long Term5. Juice Fast Day 4 ~ $$$6. Juice Fast Day 5 ~Juice Your Greens7. Juice Fast Day 6 ~ Keep Going8. Juice Fast Day 7 ~ Give Your Veggies a Shower9. Juice Fast Day 8 - Coffee Enemas and Detox Dreams10. Juice Fast Day 9 ~ Lazy Saturdays and Honey Masks11. Juice Fast Day 10 ~ What To Do with Juice Pulp? 1 of 212. Juice Fast Day 11 ~ Juice Fast Challenge: Day 11 - What to do with Juice Pulp? 2 of 213. Juice Fast Day 12 ~ How Do you Start to Eat Again? Step One = Make a Plan14. Juice Fast Day 13 ~ Happy Days!15. Juice Fast Day 14 - Cranky Days! & Transition to Food16. Juice Fast Day 15 - Before and After Photos