Juice Fast Challenge : Day 15 - Before and After Photos

I apologize for the delay in publication. You see after 15 days of juicing, something strange happened to us.  That is why I’ve taken so long to type this post. My hands aren’t quite what they used to be...We have changed.... (see the photo below)

Before and After Picture

© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, love, norman rockwell style, geeky hip portraits, concept photography, Juice Fasting, portraits, Inge Hooker, Juan Job, South Korea, camera love, Healthy in Korea, Zucchini,After 15 days of juicing, Juan and I turned into into Zucchinis! Poof! That’s right! We’re done for! So much juice that we are no longer humans. We are only vegetables. My father always told me that I would turn into a vegetable if I watched too much TV, but he never warned me about drinking too much juice!If I had only know, I would have stopped at day 14 and drunken a whole cup of coffee and a pound of dark chocolate to retoxify my body! But alas! We are so clean that we've turned into vegetables on day 15! Zucchinis at that! Why couldn’t I have least turned into a more charming vegetable, like an eggplant or a curvy red pepper?!?! God, why????Ok, let’s say perhaps, I’m kidding or being dramatic and perhaps we are really not zucchinis, but I think we would be if we had continued on to day 16! That might have been our fate, but thank goodness we didn’t continue!A Tip of the Day: The end will come, so just keep going. When the end comes, it is so sweet and well worth it!


The Story of Day 15:

Oh their must really be a God! Because we’ve made it all the way to day 15! You know, I don’t think that this day would come. The final days creeped by, every day really seemed like a year. I was sure that I was getting old and gray by how slow day 14 went...  But alas! the sun went down and finally, oh, finally, it creeped back up over the Korean hills!We were welcomed by a chorus of angels singing from Heaven. Today, our final day of our juice fast, we get to start a transition into chewing food!Today, I get to crunch sweet melons and apples and feel the fresh crisp of watermelon and the feel the texture of kiwi on our tongue! I think today that I will appreciate texture more than I ever thought possible!How did today go? In the morning, we got up and had a nice snack of melon and then later had a big glass of green juice. Those smart expert people say that the key to transitioning is to do it slowly and ease your body into it.Going slowly isn’t so easy, but you have to try or all of your results may just go out the window! So perhaps to insure that you go slowly, buy a lock for your refrigerator or just get a lock on your jaw to force yourself not to go overboard.. hehehe..For lunch, I made tomato soup by feeding tomatoes, garlic and onions into the juicer and then I mixed the pulp and the juice together and warmed it up over the stove. That was nice. :) And then finally for dinner we went  to church, and they ordered us a vegetable soup from a Chinese restaurant... I should have know a Chinese restaurant would be nothing but, Trouble!.. I was transitioning perfectly until dinner. When I ate the soup, it was processed and oily and it just killed me. After I ate it, I felt like I was RE-toxifying... Noooooo!!!! I got mad at myself for going too quickly. I could feel my body hating me for the yucky soup I gave it...I felt like a failure, like I had dropped the ball and the world would surely end! What have I done????But not to worry, dear friends, I didn’t let Dramatic Inge take over my body for too long, in the end this mistake made me decided that I wasn’t ready to retoxify my body again after all of the hard work. I realized that needed to have a better plan of transition. So for the next 7 days, the plan is for me to eat about 90% raw foods (salads, fruits, vegetables, and nuts and good oils) and drink at least 32 oz of juice a daily to continue to detox. I don’t want to go back to my old ways of eating. Even though they weren’t terrible, juicing has improved my health, and I want to continue to see improvements.After 7 days of 90% raw, I may do more of a 70% raw and 30% cooked food diet combination. I think that is a sustainable lifestyle for me. A few years back, my mom, who is a braver soul than I, went 100% raw for about 2 or 3 years. She’s truly super woman. I remember thinking how amazing her skin looked. She looked younger by at least 5 years after following this eating lifestyle. All of her wrinkles on her face went away.I, on the other hand, I like a bit of cooked food here and there. I’m of the camp of people who think that food is both physical and psychological and even though physically you might not need cooked foods, at times it is nice to enjoy a nice warm bowl of soup in the winter just for the comfort factor. So I’m going to do 70%, 30% with a juice every day and see how that works for me.


Stats of the Day:

IngeJuice: 1.5 Liters / Water: 2 liters  Transition Food: A banana and melon for breakfast, tomato soup for lunch and vegetable soup for dinner Weight: 4 kg less than the start  Energy: Really good Mood: Good - The crankies are gone! What chewing does for the soul! Hunger: Not bad, because I could mix Detox Symptoms: None really Cheats: Nothing Cravings: My chompers are satisfied today, therefore no cravingsJuan:Juice: 1.5-2 Liters / Water: 2 liter Transition Food: Fruit for breakfast, salad and tomato soup with eggs for lunch and vegetable soup for dinner. Weight: 5.5 kg less than the start  Energy: Good Mood: So much better than yesterday, Hallelujah! Hunger: Not bad. Detox Symptoms: Nothing Cheats: None Cravings: I forgot to ask him, but I’m guessing it was Chicken, because he always wants chicken.(Intermission... -- Yes, yes, this is looong, but my keyboard keeps typing, and I can get it to stop! It must be my zucchini fingers! So at this point you can go take a break. Go check your facebook page and then stretch your legs, and I’ll save a seat for you when you come back! See you soon!)Ooooh! look at our family pictures! Aren’t just we adorable? -- photo shoot, concept, photography and styling by Inge Hooker and Juan Job

© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, love,geeky hip portraits, norman rockwell style, concept photography, Juice Fasting, portraits, Inge Hooker, Juan Job, South Korea,

© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, love, geeky hip portraits, norman rockwell style, concept photography, Juice Fasting, portraits, Inge Hooker, Juan Job, South Korea, camera love, Healthy in Korea, lovers



Ok, so enough with our adorable faces. I'm sure you're sick of them by now. The question you may be wondering is....Did Juicing for 15 days really work? and is it worth it? We would both say YES! We are both so glad we did it, and so glad that it is OVER!For me (Inge) I noticed that my digestion has improved, my energy is better (I crave juice more and coffee less), my skin is so much softer, and I feel healthier. If I can get these results from juicing, than I shan’t complain about making juice.Also, my knowledge of the body has really increased during the past month. I know so much more about nutrition and taking care of yourself properly. Also something a little interesting I learned is that I need to be more efficient and organized. Though I’m a very determined, hard working person, I realized that I work hard inefficiently. Which is dumb. I'm learning that I can do things better in less time. I’m taking tips from one of the most efficient people that I know, my most organized efficient friend My-Van the writer of Redesigned by M. She’s an interior designer and an efficiency genius! You should check her blog out. Especially if you’re about to move houses. She has amazing tips on how to move a house easily and efficiently. Moving Tips.On a side note: I would say that I haven’t received ALL of the results that I want, just yet. Nor learned all I want to about nutrition. This motivates me to keep study nutrition, continue juicing and eating more raw foods so that I see more improvements in my skin, my nails and energy levels..Juan has noticed that his skin is softer; his immune system is stronger; he feels healthier; his digestion is better; he lost weight 5.5 kilos or 12 pounds which after after he gained back his water weight he is now 3 kilos or 6.6 pounds lighter - not bad for 15 days, eh?What is even more interesting is that both of our taste buds have started to change. We now are craving more healthy, fresh foods. Overly processed foods are less appetizing. The pizza, the coca-cola, the ice cream, the coffee, don’t seem so tempting. This is amazing, because this means it will be easier for us to stay healthy in the future, because our bodies are now asking us for good food, we don’t have to force it to eat a salad. We actually crave one. Additionally this tells me that juicing isn’t just a fad diet to starve and deprive yourself, it is actually a way to infuse your body with nutrients that rejuvenate and reprogram it to WANT to eat good. Crazy, right? It’s like we’ve tricked our bodies... Mwahahahaha!In the end, all the tears and pain were worth it.  And we’ll continue to juice every morning and every once in awhile we may go on 5 or 10-day juice fasts when we feel like we especially want to rest and clean-up our system.  We will just have to make sure that we get plenty of rest and stay far away from other humans while we’re doing this again.. We aren’t the peppiest people when we are juicing. hehehe.So are you ready for the Cliche of the Day???Good! here it is ---> If we did it, you can do it. Lame saying, I know! But I’m actually telling you the truth. Because juicing in Korea was so hard for us that if you live in the USA or a tropical country, juice fasting will be easy for you!Here in South Korea, we faced a multitude of obstacles and still made it. We don’t have a car, we had to carry all of our vegetables from the store to home, AND our refrigerator is a little bigger than the size of a college dorm refrigerator and our kitchen isn’t much bigger. On top of that vegetables and fruits are generally more expensive and more difficult to find. All of this means that juicing is super inconvenient for us, but if you think being healthy is inconvenient, try being in sick in a hospital bed. Just a thought. So drink your juice and quit making excuses!

Final Question:

Do you want to be healthier? If yes, then ask yourself what can I start to eat to heal and improve my body? What foods and juices will give my body nutrition to heal and build my body?Well that is all for our juicing adventure for now, but not to worry. There are many more adventures to come for Juan and myself, as long as we can learn to drive better. :-)© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, motorcycle driving, Inge Hooker, Juan Job, South Korea,  

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Read The Juice Fast Series 

1. Juice Fast Introduction2. Juice Fast Day 1 ~ Juicing Resources3. Juice Fast Day 2 ~ Special Guest4. Juice Fast Day 3 ~ Think Long Term5. Juice Fast Day 4 ~ $$$6. Juice Fast Day 5 ~Juice Your Greens7. Juice Fast Day 6 ~ Keep Going8. Juice Fast Day 7 ~ Give Your Veggies a Shower9. Juice Fast Day 8 - Coffee Enemas and Detox Dreams10. Juice Fast Day 9 ~ Lazy Saturdays and Honey Masks11. Juice Fast Day 10 ~ What To Do with Juice Pulp? 1 of 212. Juice Fast Day 11 ~ Juice Fast Challenge: Day 11 - What to do with Juice Pulp? 2 of 213. Juice Fast Day 12 ~ How Do you Start to Eat Again? Step One = Make a Plan14. Juice Fast Day 13 ~ Happy Days!15. Juice Fast Day 14 - Cranky Days! & Transition to Food16. Juice Fast Day 15 - Before and After Photos

Juice Fast Challenge : Day 14 - Cranky Days! + Transitions!

© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, cafe, I want coffee, I want cafe, cranky, juice fast, juice cleanse

photo by juan job

Quote of the Day: 

Juan: (he offers me 50$ cash)Me: No, I don't want the money, I can't buy anything!!!!!Him: What do you mean?Me: I can't buy any coffee! (Wahhhh!)

Story of the Day: 

Him: Awh.. poor baby, You’re finally normal, like me! he said while jumping in circles and laughing..He was so excited because this was probably the first time I had expressed any of my cravings to him Before he felt like he was the only one, but I joined his lament party today. Ha! But we didn’t have much more time to party because I was off to teach class.Today was hard mentally. You would think once you reach day 14, you’d be excited and ready to push through to the end! but not quite. I was mopey and Juan was glad that I was finally having a rough time.. hehehe. Since all of the other days it was him. Today he is transitioning into food, by eating salads and things so his digestion system is ready to digest all the chicken that he wants it to. But I alas! have decided not to start my transition until 15 day and start eating at a point on the 15th day, fruit or something.Yet today is not day 15, it is only 14, and oh my! it seems like it will never end. You know it was only 10:30 in the morning, I want to curl in bed and mope, so that the day would pass. No, I’m not that tired. My energy is fine. I’m hungry, but I don’t want to juice again, and where is my food? An egg would be nice. I think I might have starved today, if Juan hadn’t made me juice. I was not about to juice any more. Isn’t it funny how attached we get to chewing food? Ridiculous and Curious its effect. Even when we're not hungry. I should do a study about this.People ask me what I miss the most, and I say salad with salmon. Ha! I’m too healthy I think. People look at me like I’m crazy.., but then I whisper to them...and I would really like a cappuccino and chocolate too. :-)It's a cranky day but tomorrow, Foood! or at least a little bit of it.Juan's Cranky too today; he wants Pollo! (Chicken)©www.ingekathleen.com/blog, cranky, juice fast, juice cleanse, I want Chicken, I want Pollo,


Ok so any more tips that I've found on transition? After you make a plan... Go slowly, and eat the foods that you've been juicing. Only eat them in raw form. Also continue to juice for 2-3 meals. This will make it easier on your stomach to digest. We've been juicing fruits and vegetables, so these same fruits and vegetables we should eat and juice too. and eat in small portions. This period will last for about 3 days - 7 days and then after this time you can add one light protein to your diet. e.g. 1 piece of chicken or fish for one meal.. and then wait 3 more days to add 1 more portion.Resources: Getting off of a Fast from Just On Juice.com and Article #2 from IZO Cleanse.com

Stats of the Day: 

Juan--Juice: 1.5-2 Liters / Water: 2 liter Food: Salad for lunch and salad Eggs for dinner Weight: 5 kg less than the start  Energy: Up and Down Mood: Not Good Hunger: A lot today Detox Symptoms: sore throat, but his skin is glowing :) Cheats: None Cravings: Pasta and ChickenInge--Juice: 2 Liters / Water: 2 liters  Weight: 3-4 kg less than the start  Energy: Really good.Mood: Down in the Morning, up in the afternoon.. at night pretty good. Hunger: Yup, hungry at times, but not too bad, and cleaning the juicer again doesn’t sound appealing Detox Symptoms: None really Cheats: Nothing Cravings: A coffee and a salad

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Read The Juice Fast Series 

1. Juice Fast Introduction2. Juice Fast Day 1 ~ Juicing Resources3. Juice Fast Day 2 ~ Special Guest4. Juice Fast Day 3 ~ Think Long Term5. Juice Fast Day 4 ~ $$$6. Juice Fast Day 5 ~Juice Your Greens7. Juice Fast Day 6 ~ Keep Going8. Juice Fast Day 7 ~ Give Your Veggies a Shower9. Juice Fast Day 8 - Coffee Enemas and Detox Dreams10. Juice Fast Day 9 ~ Lazy Saturdays and Honey Masks11. Juice Fast Day 10 ~ What To Do with Juice Pulp? 1 of 212. Juice Fast Day 11 ~ Juice Fast Challenge: Day 11 - What to do with Juice Pulp? 2 of 213. Juice Fast Day 12 ~ How Do you Start to Eat Again? Step One = Make a Plan14. Juice Fast Day 13 ~ Happy Days!15. Juice Fast Day 14 - Cranky Days! & Transition to Food16. Juice Fast Day 15 - Before and After Photos

Juice Fast Challenge : Day 12 - How Do you Start to Eat Again? Step One = Make a Plan

© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, salad, juice fast, avocado, blueberry, health in Korea, delicious salad Day 12 is upon us, and it get me dreaming of food. See the picture above, a salad that I made last summer. Yum! I really do like food, and cooking and all of the yummy, chewy things that come with it. So with all of this food in my head, it got me to start to think about how will we start to eat again? I mean I haven't forgotten how to chew.(At least I hope not). but rather how do you introduce food back into your diet, when, the amount and what kinds of foods?Upon research here is what I'm finding.. First everyone says make a health plan before you get off the fast. Why? So that when you get off the fast you don't go crazy and retoxify yourself after all of your hard work! That would be just nuts! It is best if you set up goals of how you want to continue getting healthy then you're ready to go when you're coming off of the fast. A health plan includes things like exercise, what foods will you eat, how many juices you'll drink a day, even planning for when you'll eat your favorite unhealthy foods. eg. exercise 30 minutes a day, drink on green juice in the morning, only eat ice cream 1 time a month, etc.The idea of this juice cleanse is to start your body a better path, after the 15 days, you're not done with the journey, you've just begun it. You don't have to stop eating your favorite foods completely, but reduce the amount you eat them and increase the fresh raw vegetables and fruits in your diet. That is the key, give you body more of an ability to regenerate itself with vitamins and minerals and nutrients and lots of water..

My Plan?

Well I feel like we do a pretty good job of eating healthy already, and we exercise too, but we could tweak a few things to make it better.  I think that we could add more fresh vegetables into our diet and I want to have a green juice every morning and maybe once or twice a week have a dinner of juice instead of food.I was thinking about how I accomplish this because it takes more time to make juice and prepare fresh vegetables than other meals, and I need to wash and cut the vegetables once or twice a week and put them in plastic bags to have them ready for use. Little things like that will save me so much time. Because it is sooo time consuming to have to cut up vegetables every day, 2 or 3x a day. So instead, I just have a veggie chopping party at my house, every week. :-) Anyone what to come?Tomorrow I'll discuss, what foods that you want to introduce first and how to do it! ^^

Story of the Day: 

Today was good, it was easy. Even though we didn’t have enough veggies to juice for the morning, both Juan and I felt good and we were able to go to work a little less than full stomachs, and still make it through the day with a lot of energy. Exactly one week ago, I was about dead when I had to work, even though I had drank my full liter of juice. My body is really acting better and my energy is quite constant. This is exciting. I hated having low energy, but today the energy was great.The only sad part of today was when a friend saw me in a cafe and bought me a coffee without my knowledge and I had to sit there and watch the poor sad coffee go to waste :-( Then a student invited me out to a cafe today, and I couldn't order what I wanted. I got pure kiwi juice. It was fine, but a nice hot almond milk would have been perfect.. Oh well, I guess you have to make sacrifices for your health.. But why couldn't I get random free coffees next week? Dear God,.. Can I get a random free coffee next week? That would be nice. Just one. I promise that is all I need,  Thank you and Amen.For Juan though it is much harder for him to sustain the energy levels. We're not sure why, but it could be that we need other greens or we should use other vegetables for our juices that we're not. I think that is the downside of trying to do this in Korea. Your options are limited, so it makes it difficult to experiment with many types of green or vegetables. The variety of vegetables is growing, but it is still quite limited and hard to access. But long story short the past couple of days have been really hard on him, and he swears he won't do a complete juice fast again, and that all he wants is chicken. Only 3 more days!Juan:Juice: 2 Liters / Water: 1 liter Weight: 5.5 kg less than the start  Energy: Consistent.. Mood: Stable Hunger: Normal Detox Symptoms: None Cheats: None Cravings: Pollo (Chicken), PastaIngeJuice: 1.5 --> 2 liter Liters / Water: 1 liters  Weight: 3-4 kg less than the start  Energy: Quite good, every day it gets better Mood: Pretty good mood all day. the weather was rain but nice today too. Hunger: A good bit, but that is just because in the morning we didn’t have the produce to make much juice Detox Symptoms: None really, they seem to be easing for now Cheats: Nothing Cravings: Something like warm almond milk with a little bit of honey. That would be nice. 

Comment Below Ya'll :-)


Read The Juice Fast Series 

1. Juice Fast Introduction2. Juice Fast Day 1 ~ Juicing Resources3. Juice Fast Day 2 ~ Special Guest4. Juice Fast Day 3 ~ Think Long Term5. Juice Fast Day 4 ~ $$$6. Juice Fast Day 5 ~Juice Your Greens7. Juice Fast Day 6 ~ Keep Going8. Juice Fast Day 7 ~ Give Your Veggies a Shower9. Juice Fast Day 8 - Coffee Enemas and Detox Dreams10. Juice Fast Day 9 ~ Lazy Saturdays and Honey Masks11. Juice Fast Day 10 ~ What To Do with Juice Pulp? 1 of 212. Juice Fast Day 11 ~ Juice Fast Challenge: Day 11 - What to do with Juice Pulp? 2 of 213. Juice Fast Day 12 ~ How Do you Start to Eat Again? Step One = Make a Plan14. Juice Fast Day 13 ~ Happy Days!15. Juice Fast Day 14 - Cranky Days! & Transition to Food16. Juice Fast Day 15 - Before and After Photos

Juice Fast Challenge Day 8 - Coffee Enemas and Detox Dreams

© www.ingekathleen.com/blog, coffee, coffee enemas, detox symptoms, juice fastJuan's Opinion of Day 8 - I feel terrible today, I feel hot feverish, sneezy and it feel itchy like ants are walking on me. I regret that I am doing this. (Perhaps his detox is happening too fast.. and we should slow it down?)Tip of the Day: Sometimes you detox too fast and detox almost become unbearable. If that happens to you don't quit, but just slow down your detox. If you find that your detox is going too fast you can slow it down, by adding a small amount of fresh foods or cooked vegetables into your juice regime so that your body won't detox so fast.

About Detox:

Detox is the releasing of toxins from your body to make you a cleaner, healthier person. Detox is amazing, but it can be painful. Even if you feel like you're a healthy person, you might experience it. For how long and what conditions really depends on each person. For our detox we've experience bad moods, low energy, weird dreams, flu-like symptoms, itch skin and achy bodies. Detox comes in many forms headaches, strange dreams, flu-like symptoms, constipation, diarrhea, acne, bad sleep, nightmares, low energy bad moods.You can help your body remove all the nasty toxics by drinking lots of water, exercising, dry skin brushing, doing enemas, moving your bowels ;-) and taking naps. Also if you find that it is going too fast, slow the detox down by adding a bit of solid foods and/or steamed vegetables. This can help slow down the detox. This doesn't mean you've failed. Detoxing too fast can be unhealthy.Here is a great resource for slowing or speeding up detox here from ---> Detox HelpI must post this video about detox is from RawRawLife.com and Carla tells about all the things that might happen during detox. Her Detox TMI video.. Even if you have no interest in juicing or cleansing, this video is hilarious.

Detox Dreams:

We have weird vivid dreams (apparently this is normal during a detox). One dream I had, I was ordering at a McFlurry at McDonalds, but then I tragically realized that I was not able to eat it due to the fast, and I had to cancel the order. I also dreamed that someone dunked my precious hard drives (where I have keep all of my pictures) in a water, and I was trying to dry them out.. I guess that is a sign that I need to back up my hard drives again.? Every time I dream about my hard drives begin destroyed, it is my subconscious telling me to back-up! The last time I dreamed about my hard drive, I dreamt that I was on this boat in the ocean and a big whale came beside our boat an splashed so much water that my hard drives were destroyed. Interesting... Did you notice that both dreams involved my hard drive's death by water?The same night Juan dreamed that he went to a meat restaurant with his friend. He was putting the whole cut of his juicy pork cutlet into his mouth, it was oozing and goozing with deliciousness, and then suddenly he remembered that he was on our juicing fast so that he had to retract the meat from his mouth. from his mouth.. See detoxing is exciting.. hehehe

Story of the Day:

We did a coffee enema.. Scary, I know but they weren’t that bad really. I followed the instruction from Dr. Gerhauser in a youtube video here --->Video. According to advice by Jennifer Thompson Certified Iridologist from healthybliss.net , If you do decide to do a coffee enema only use organic coffee. This is important because a coffee enema is supposed to help you detox your liver. Inorganic coffee is loaded with chemicals because coffee is one of the most highly sprayed crops in the world. So use organic coffee or you're just putting pesticides straight into your colon. Not smart, and potentially harmful.Juan was very opposed to the idea of coffee enemas, so I decided to go ahead and do it. It went pretty well, nothing dramatic, I held it for 15 minutes, like recommended and then went to the toilet. Not too bad. I think liquid got trapped in the colon, so I was doing jumping up and down to try get it removed. I don't think it all quite came out, but I'm sure with a little bit of running, it will come out.Then Juan said, Ok, I want to do it too. He put the coffee in and then after 30 seconds of he said, I’ve got to go the bathroom, and I said No, just hold it. Him: Ok.... (1 minute passes) Him: I’ve got to go, really I can’t hold this.. Me: Just try. Him: No, No, I’ve got to go.. Me: Then go, Baby, hurry! (he sprints to the bathroom and I’m left on the floor rolling in laughter. That was definitely the best part of today. We shall have to try more of these enemas)Me: How do you feel after your enema?Him: EmptyThen we stayed up for a bit longer. They say that if you do it at night it might be difficult to go to sleep. Perhaps that’s true because we stayed up late, me blogging and Juan’s on the phone with his mom in the Dominican Republic.. We went to bed around 3 and then around 4am came the worst part of the day. Juan could not sleep and jumped out of bed complaining that his body felt itchy again, like ants were crawling all over his body. He couldn't stand it was so bad. It was scary. He started jumping around hitting himself, trying to cope with the itch. The itching had happened before, but never this intense. He had to go outside and to walk it off. And he came back, we drank some juice and then we went to bed.This incident got me to do more research on detox, and to see if this symptom is normal and how to control them because this wasn't something that we had expected. I looked and couldn't find any indicators of this detox symptom related with juice fasting.. Except for one person who experienced and commented on a blog. That was it. Usually when people experience this symptom it is related with menopause, or withdrawal from drugs and alcohol. None of these apply to him. Well perhaps he is a bit menopausal at times. Ha..It was weird that he experienced this. It was a bit too much for me. I know we are supposed to be detoxing but.... So upon research I saw that if you are experiencing a detox that is too rapid then slow it down with eating a bit of steamed vegetables or natural solid food. You will still continue detoxing, just at a more manageable less frightening pace.The new plan is to continue to juice for 15 days, but at night I will cook him some steamed vegetables and then dress them with olive oil and herbs for flavor. Let's see how that goes. Also, I'm forcing him to drink more water! Please share any detox stories. I'm curious, if anyone has ever experienced this symptom or a weird one?


Inge’s Stats —Juice: 1.8 Liters / Water: a little bit.. I'm going to go drink some more now  Weight: 3 kg less than the start  Energy: Pretty good, in the morning low but in the afternoon and night high Mood: Up and down. It was ok, nothing extreme still trying to be patient with myself because I want for more things to happen faster, I want to see more results or more detox symptoms for me but everything is quite mild. Even the effects of the coffee enema were so easy and mild. So sometimes this makes me wonder one of two things 1) that I’m not doing it right or 2) that I am already pretty clean so I don’t see huge effects for awhile. But like I said yesterday. I need to be patient. But I'm thankful that my symptoms are not as severe as Juan's.. Hunger: A little bit Detox Symptoms: Not any that I can remember Cheats: I don't think anything Cravings: A little bit of everything. I miss cooking, and I am getting tired of the juice taste. I really enjoyed drinking juice before breakfast, but sometimes it gets tiring to constantly feel like you're making juice and drinking juice.Juan's Stats — Juice: 5-6 Liters / Water: 3 cups  Weight: 4 kg less than the start  Energy: Up and Down Mood: Up and down Hunger: After lunch hunger started Detox Symptoms: Feverish, sneezy, lots of sleep in his eyes, and itchy like ants are walking on me. Cheats: A melon Cravings: His freedom to eat and a Nachos and Cheese Volcano.Inge's Conclusion of the Day - I'm making steamed vegetables for Juan tomorrow night to help reduce his detox symptoms.Juan's Conclusion of the Day - Oh Baby! I love you and proceeds to kiss my feet.. (true story, you could say that we both have over-dramatic sides)


Comment Below Ya'll :-)


Read The Juice Fast Series 

1. Juice Fast Introduction2. Juice Fast Day 1 ~ Juicing Resources3. Juice Fast Day 2 ~ Special Guest4. Juice Fast Day 3 ~ Think Long Term5. Juice Fast Day 4 ~ $$$6. Juice Fast Day 5 ~Juice Your Greens7. Juice Fast Day 6 ~ Keep Going8. Juice Fast Day 7 ~ Give Your Veggies a Shower9. Juice Fast Day 8 - Coffee Enemas and Detox Dreams10. Juice Fast Day 9 ~ Lazy Saturdays and Honey Masks11. Juice Fast Day 10 ~ What To Do with Juice Pulp? 1 of 212. Juice Fast Day 11 ~ Juice Fast Challenge: Day 11 - What to do with Juice Pulp? 2 of 213. Juice Fast Day 12 ~ How Do you Start to Eat Again? Step One = Make a Plan14. Juice Fast Day 13 ~ Happy Days!15. Juice Fast Day 14 - Cranky Days! & Transition to Food16. Juice Fast Day 15 - Before and After Photos


Juice Fast Challenge: Day 7 - Give Your Veggies a Shower!

© www.ingekathleen.com/blog,  Wash Your Veggies, How to wash your vegetables, Juice Challenge, Juice Cleanse

Tip of the Day: 

Today I must preach out cleaning your veggies! Because who really wants bacteria in their awesome juice? That would be just unnecessary.There are many opinion out there on how to do it the best way. Some say buy veggie wash, others say make veggie wash and others say just use distilled water. I'll give you the instructions both ways.. Making your own vinegar wash and just using distilled water.A study done by the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Maine with blueberries found that using distilled water or commercial veggie washes had the same effect on taking away the bacteria. They suggest that you use distilled or bottled water because they are purified and will no longer contaminate your vegetables.However there was another study done by "Journal of Food Protection" which said that vinegar really helped reduce the salmonella on vegetables more than just washing with water and another by Jack Bishop “Cook’s Illustrated”  found that a vinegar water solution reduces 98% of the bacteria on the surface of fresh produce. (Believe who you'd like, but here is how to wash your produce in water and also by vinegar, for your convenience. )

Washing with Water

Wash your hands with hot soapy water and other surfaces that might touch your lovely produce. Don't use detergents because they can leave residues Scrub the vegetables that have a thick skin - cucumbers, apples, carrots Put the vegetables with large surface area in cold water for 2 minutes - lettuce, broccoli, spinach Put the delicate fruits in a colander and run cold water over them and refrigerate them - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries.

Vinegar Wash

Instructions from NPR1. Use a 3:1 solution of water and vinegar2. Then put the solution in a spray bottle.3. Spray your veggies/fruits with enough solution to cover the vegetable4. Then rinse with cold water to remove any vinegar residue5. To wash leafy greens, fill up a bucket or your sink with the vinegar and water solution, soak the vegetables in the solution then drain and rinse. Juan's Thought of Day 7 : "Can I eat yet?"Inge's Thought of Day 7 : "Why aren't things happening faster?" Story of the Day 7:Today wasn't bad for me it was pretty uneventful really on the juicing front. Nothing crazy to report on the detox front. Which perhaps is good, but I felt a little bit down because I got to thinking that what if after 7 days why hadn't I saw big detox symptoms or huge improvements, and what if of this 15 days of doing just juicing that it doesn't work? I don't see any big detox symptoms a few - like fever and low-energy - but nothing crazy. So I started to worry that now on day 7, what if nothing really changes by the time I get to day 15 wouldn't that be terrible?, wouldn't that be just awful..? My inner-self moaned??But actually when I stepped back and looked at it with the less dramatic, more logical Inge then, I see that 15 to try something out isn't that bad. It's quite short. I'm not losing much and regardless of the results, I'm learning a lot in the process about health, food, how to organize life, etc. And to top it off, I'm getting to do my own investigative project and not just depend on testimonials.So I shall try to be more logical and patient with myself and keep the juice coming. :-)Other than my impatience with myself, Juan made another super delicious juice today! I think he definitely has more talent in the juice making area between the two of us. He should have open a juice bar. 

Morning Medley Juice

1/4 Red CabbageBunch of KaleBunch of Spinach1 Asian Pear4 Cucumbers2 Kiwi2 Green Peppers

Stats of the Day: 

Inge Stats --- Juice: 2.5 Liters / Water: 2.5 liters ^^ Weight: 3 kg less than the start  Energy: Medium. It was a busy day, and I like a lot of walking and I noticed that I tired easily.  Mood: Ok Hunger: Not too bad. Up and down. In the morning, I waited too long to drink juice so I felt weak. Detox Symptoms: I think I was a little feverish, but better than yesterday. Cheats: I was good Cravings: Not so much. Except when I went out shopping, everything I saw looked good. The Chinese food, the coffee with whip cream that the girl was drinking on the street, and then I saw the blessed Basket Robbins sign and I thought to myself, Wow! you know maybe ice cream is allowed because it isn't solid, right?. But thank goodness my conscious caught up with me before I did anything too rash.Juan's Stats --- Juice: 4 Liters Water: 1 liter Weight: 3.5 kg less than start Energy: Up and Down Mood: Bad Hunger: Hungry Detox Symptoms: Sneezy, Mucus, Flu-Like Symptoms  Cravings: He doesn't remember Cheats: Nothing. 

Share your thoughts :-)

Comment below to share any tips for juicing, recipes or health in general. I'm curious to learn more about how to maintain a health and try new things. :-)


Read The Juice Fast Series 

1. Juice Fast Introduction2. Juice Fast Day 1 ~ Juicing Resources3. Juice Fast Day 2 ~ Special Guest4. Juice Fast Day 3 ~ Think Long Term5. Juice Fast Day 4 ~ $$$6. Juice Fast Day 5 ~Juice Your Greens7. Juice Fast Day 6 ~ Keep Going8. Juice Fast Day 7 ~ Give Your Veggies a Shower9. Juice Fast Day 8 - Coffee Enemas and Detox Dreams10. Juice Fast Day 9 ~ Lazy Saturdays and Honey Masks11. Juice Fast Day 10 ~ What To Do with Juice Pulp? 1 of 212. Juice Fast Day 11 ~ Juice Fast Challenge: Day 11 - What to do with Juice Pulp? 2 of 213. Juice Fast Day 12 ~ How Do you Start to Eat Again? Step One = Make a Plan14. Juice Fast Day 13 ~ Happy Days!15. Juice Fast Day 14 - Cranky Days! & Transition to Food16. Juice Fast Day 15 - Before and After Photos