Imagination Station :)

Last week when I turned in my plastic camera assignment that I photographed in the graveyard, my teacher was very disturbed by it. :) Finally! it took me almost four years to disturb my teacher. At least I succeeded; some never succeed and some succeed in creeping him out every week. I prefer the shock factor. Much more couth. And we all know classy it exactly what I strive for. Ha!

Besides, I think it's a good way to go out :) But I believe I need to balance out my creepy nature so here's is another plastic camera series that is a little more kosher. (p.s. I was going to insert a smile face here, but I just realized that I have already used two in this short, short post. NO wait, I've used one 3 Times. There is one in the Title too! NO More!!! I have standards even if they are disturbingly low. I MUST control myself!). Never mind I can't, the devil on the left shoulder wins. enjoy  :)