A Coffee Date - Barista Parlor


Had an absolutely lovely Friday morning sipping coffee, talking about life, and doing an impromtu photo shoot with my dear friend Chanell. We found ourselves - after a few ::cough:: U-turns  ::cough:: - at one of the newest, most hippest, coolest, hang-outs in all of Nashville. Barista Parlour.

--- Well I believe it is new, but you know me... I've been in Asialand for the last three 3 years of life. And everything here seems as new as a bean sprout to me. :D But regardless of age, this new coffee place is fantastic. You should check them out when you come to Nashville next. They're on facebook, so no excuses. Get your butt down here!

You know that I mean that in the kindest way possible. ^^ facebook page --> http://www.facebook.com/BaristaParlor

Photos taken on the awesome I-phone by both my amazingly talented artist, musician friend Chanell and myself.

**Today remember to enjoy every second of life that you have. It's worth the effort. :)


Happy January 31! How has the first month of 2011 treated you all? I hope splendidly.. I was lucky enough to spend half of the month in the good ole US of A! Yes be jealous. I spent 100% of my time relaxing, talking, eating, and drinking coffee (about 50% of the time) with my awesome family and friends.  It has been a splendid year so far. Despite it being too cold for any human, I feel like the year holds so much potential. It's going to be a great one. I'm getting all tingly thinking about it... oh wait never mind the tingle is coming from the frostbite starting in envelop my poor tootsies.. booo... ahh well who needs em when you can think of all the amazingness this year will offer!

Odd....My tone of writing is a bit too cheery for the above image of death and oppression., yes? What can I say? My camera seems to have it's screwballish dark moods.. I try to cheer him up, but it can't help it. Graveyards are so very fascinating to him. They are just fantastically creepy to photograph in. Would you not agree?

Well enjoy February and all the crazy things to ensue! Talk soon :)

My Favorite

So I'm officially taken. We met last Wednesday for 3 hours  --- blue eyes, blond hair, he's funny, smart, athletic!!! just perfect and we're officially goin' together - unfortunately there's one detail. He currently has 50 other girlfriends.. And I'm number 51.sigh..... Also after 3 hours together, he couldn't remember my name. BUT alas those are such piddly details. I know I'm his favorite... we sat beside each other at the dinner table :)Introducing Reed :)download Music and Lyrics dvd

A bright note!

In the mist of all the crazy sleepless nights, caffeine, and ridiculous research papers that are hopefully leading up to my graduating in May (well, that is if I don't fail anything), something just wonderful happened!

What is it? The Bright Note in my currently chaotic life!?! Rachell + Lee's wedding. The one that I photographed in Nashville last fall with my friend Drew, just got featured in Southern Wedding's Blog/Magazine! AH!!! I swear it's true.. how exciting, right? Here's the link to prove it or just click on the pictures --> http://www.swsmag.net/blog/2009/4/16/real-wedding-rachell-lee.html and attatched to the feature is the most spectaculous story of how Rachell + Lee met :) Enjoy....

One down, five to go...

Hey ya'll. My sister's engaged! Which one? you may ask. because aren't there about 50 girls in my family?There are actually 51.5 girls in my family get it right. thank-you very much! The one who is engaged??? (drum roll please!) It's Mary Elizabeth. Lydia and I both knew she would be the first to go. How did we know? Well we're just super intelligent much like Albert Einstein, but we have good hair.  For our smart prediction, we won some serious, life altering cash. So much money that I'm going out for dinner to blow it all. You guys should come because I'm buying a round of waters for everyone!! Whoot! Whoot!So as the photographer in the family, Josh (the future husband and John Mayer look-a-like) asked me if I would make the treacherous journey from the hills of Bowling Green, Ky to Nashville to take engagement pictures. (the same day as their engagement) Of course, I said "No, no, no, and NO!" because I am way too busy for happy people. I mean seriously, yuck. But then Josh said he would buy me a watermelon and a Mexican hot dog if I came....before he could finish his sentence, I was my little car driving it as fast as its motor could take me (a top notch, 55 mph. don't laugh it's a very "special" car. a little challenged actually). But no matter, the only thoughts in my head were of melted cheese and the red juicy goodness of watermelon. They were disgustingly happy, but the watermelon was oh so sweet! --- Here's the first look at the newly engaged couple: enjoy... and there is more to come. That is as long as I get paid a bonus of a fresh pineapple and ranchero tamales. yum.. Congratulations guys..


Imagination Station :)

Last week when I turned in my plastic camera assignment that I photographed in the graveyard, my teacher was very disturbed by it. :) Finally! it took me almost four years to disturb my teacher. At least I succeeded; some never succeed and some succeed in creeping him out every week. I prefer the shock factor. Much more couth. And we all know classy it exactly what I strive for. Ha!

Besides, I think it's a good way to go out :) But I believe I need to balance out my creepy nature so here's is another plastic camera series that is a little more kosher. (p.s. I was going to insert a smile face here, but I just realized that I have already used two in this short, short post. NO wait, I've used one 3 Times. There is one in the Title too! NO More!!! I have standards even if they are disturbingly low. I MUST control myself!). Never mind I can't, the devil on the left shoulder wins. enjoy  :)

Narcolepsy and Photography..

So I sit in bed writing on a Sunday morning way too early I don't think the birds are even up. ::Inge just realizes the birds are in the south because it's so flippin' cold outside. lucky them. i'm packing. Mexico anyone?:: So back to sleep. I would go back to sleep like a normal person but I am pretty sure it is apparent that I am not normal, slightly deformed actually. Mom says I wasn't dropped, but I don't believe it. My body thinks that it is normal to wake up at 5:10 on a Sunday morning when the night before it went to sleep at 1:30. this is definitely a sign of a dropped baby or maybe i was one of those babies that bounced, you know like a ball or, or a pogo stick. They say I was rather fat. Did you know I was born a 11 pd baby? I know. what happened to me? I let myself go. too much bouncing I guess.

So the new year is definitely in full swing, and I hope you know this is post 2 of January. Booyah! 11 months of new years resolutioning to go.. I've started school and also portrait sessions! Yesterday I had a lovely session with some of the greatest girls ever. They were up for anything no matter how cold the day was and they did it so very stylishly. :) Here are some of my favorites from Sarah, Diana, and Kathryn's session!
