A Coffee Date - Barista Parlor


Had an absolutely lovely Friday morning sipping coffee, talking about life, and doing an impromtu photo shoot with my dear friend Chanell. We found ourselves - after a few ::cough:: U-turns  ::cough:: - at one of the newest, most hippest, coolest, hang-outs in all of Nashville. Barista Parlour.

--- Well I believe it is new, but you know me... I've been in Asialand for the last three 3 years of life. And everything here seems as new as a bean sprout to me. :D But regardless of age, this new coffee place is fantastic. You should check them out when you come to Nashville next. They're on facebook, so no excuses. Get your butt down here!

You know that I mean that in the kindest way possible. ^^ facebook page --> http://www.facebook.com/BaristaParlor

Photos taken on the awesome I-phone by both my amazingly talented artist, musician friend Chanell and myself.

**Today remember to enjoy every second of life that you have. It's worth the effort. :)

The Coolest Boys Eva Eva

I'm the lucky girl to have these two as my brothers. They really are quite the bomb dot coms. I'm not really sure why they even hang out with me or are my facebook friends. Do you know dear reader? I'm mean really I'm the geeky, huge camera toting, Korean, Mexican sister who can't seem to stay in the US of A long enough to do a load of laundry. Do you think they bother to put up me because I bribe them with food? Yes, yes that must be it!

Food really is a magic tool of manipulation. If you look at any great feat or massive betrayal in all of human history you know what is the motivation for it? A tasty meal. You don't believe me? Well let me explain.. Do you know the real reason Moses had the strength to cross the Red Sea? Not because he was a super human, no, no, it was because there was a pipping Chick-fil-a Chicken Biscuit waiting on the other side, Two of them! I swear it is true just look it up in the Bible. Totally there. It's there. very much there :)

And do you know why Brutus betrayed/killed his super tight friend Julius Caesar? Not because he was power hungry. He was just hungry and his mother promised to make him the best TexMex food known to man WITH extra cheese and cilantro if he stuck it to Caesar. Yes, yes, I know that they were Roman and didn't live in Texas or Mexico. And Texas wasn't even founded until much later, but you see his mother was so ahead of her times, she knew TexMex food before it hit Texas. And so there you have it my friends, the enchilada is what did Mr. Caesar in. Poor guy. You know if they taught the true history behind Caesar's fall in schools these days, more kids would stay awake in school. And that's what's wrong with the education system these days!  Hey but at least I have cool brothers. I hope you do too or at least a good cup of hot chocolate with a little cinnamon in it :)

Emmy + Josh - Part 2

So.... breakfast was delicious - I even have a food baby to show for it, Sammy, my food baby, was totally worth it -- Yes I named him; he is going to be just darling I can already tell - he's going to look just like his mother, Mrs. Butterworth and father, Sir Side of Bacon.I still cannot believe that Emmy is married. I thought we'd never do it. I was counting on all six of us girls never marrying, getting lots of cats and then scaring little kids at an old age. sigh. I guess such dreams well never come to fruition - thanks Emmy, you're a real pal.

The Order film

Emmy + Josh Hitson - Part 1 of 2, maybe 3

Yes, Finally! I got off my bum and posted Emmy & Josh's wedding -- I know, I know - I feel guilty, terrible really for waiting this long to post my own sister's wedding... Yes, clearly I am a bad person, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, mother (um, mom and dad I have something to tell you ::cough, cough::), Anyway, I'm a bad human being, child of the earth, I am on my grandmother's S-list, And if I had a heart, it would be rotting from the inside out - lucky for me I don't have one, oh the simple pleasures of life ;)This is the first installment of 2 maybe 3 posts of their wedding ( 3 posts if you'll pull my arm or if I become super indecisive and SUPER productive all in one day). The next post will becoming tomorrow morning after I finish pumping IRON and pretending to do push-up but in reality I'll be watching a super intense workout video on the my comfy couch with a warm Cinnabun covered in gooey icing. yum. my favorite part of the day! And then I'll be so worn out from watching other people sweat and burn calories that I'll need to eat the Hungry Man breakfast at the I-HOP (because face it, no matter how good the hash browns are at the waffle house, it's still gross) and after that THEN I'll post wedding numero 2 (ha, look at me and my Spanish - so proud of me in this moment)But in all seriousness Emmy and josh's wedding was an absolutely beautiful day. The best it could have been. and I couldn't of been happier or more honored to document their day. Looking at the images and them together always but a big silly, cheesy grin on my face. Congratulations guys, I LOVE YOU! -- And thank-you, thank-you to the Amazing Mandy McConaha --> http://mandolynm.blogspot.com and Becky Fluke --> http://www.flukephotos.com/ who photographed this day with me - I love you guys too. You're are amazing! Enjoy and come back tomorrow for Numero DOS! (<--- look Spanish again, I'm amazing! The next thing you know I'll be able to speak Mexican!)

One down, five to go...

Hey ya'll. My sister's engaged! Which one? you may ask. because aren't there about 50 girls in my family?There are actually 51.5 girls in my family get it right. thank-you very much! The one who is engaged??? (drum roll please!) It's Mary Elizabeth. Lydia and I both knew she would be the first to go. How did we know? Well we're just super intelligent much like Albert Einstein, but we have good hair.  For our smart prediction, we won some serious, life altering cash. So much money that I'm going out for dinner to blow it all. You guys should come because I'm buying a round of waters for everyone!! Whoot! Whoot!So as the photographer in the family, Josh (the future husband and John Mayer look-a-like) asked me if I would make the treacherous journey from the hills of Bowling Green, Ky to Nashville to take engagement pictures. (the same day as their engagement) Of course, I said "No, no, no, and NO!" because I am way too busy for happy people. I mean seriously, yuck. But then Josh said he would buy me a watermelon and a Mexican hot dog if I came....before he could finish his sentence, I was my little car driving it as fast as its motor could take me (a top notch, 55 mph. don't laugh it's a very "special" car. a little challenged actually). But no matter, the only thoughts in my head were of melted cheese and the red juicy goodness of watermelon. They were disgustingly happy, but the watermelon was oh so sweet! --- Here's the first look at the newly engaged couple: enjoy... and there is more to come. That is as long as I get paid a bonus of a fresh pineapple and ranchero tamales. yum.. Congratulations guys..


Imagination Station :)

Last week when I turned in my plastic camera assignment that I photographed in the graveyard, my teacher was very disturbed by it. :) Finally! it took me almost four years to disturb my teacher. At least I succeeded; some never succeed and some succeed in creeping him out every week. I prefer the shock factor. Much more couth. And we all know classy it exactly what I strive for. Ha!

Besides, I think it's a good way to go out :) But I believe I need to balance out my creepy nature so here's is another plastic camera series that is a little more kosher. (p.s. I was going to insert a smile face here, but I just realized that I have already used two in this short, short post. NO wait, I've used one 3 Times. There is one in the Title too! NO More!!! I have standards even if they are disturbingly low. I MUST control myself!). Never mind I can't, the devil on the left shoulder wins. enjoy  :)