A Coffee Date - Barista Parlor


Had an absolutely lovely Friday morning sipping coffee, talking about life, and doing an impromtu photo shoot with my dear friend Chanell. We found ourselves - after a few ::cough:: U-turns  ::cough:: - at one of the newest, most hippest, coolest, hang-outs in all of Nashville. Barista Parlour.

--- Well I believe it is new, but you know me... I've been in Asialand for the last three 3 years of life. And everything here seems as new as a bean sprout to me. :D But regardless of age, this new coffee place is fantastic. You should check them out when you come to Nashville next. They're on facebook, so no excuses. Get your butt down here!

You know that I mean that in the kindest way possible. ^^ facebook page --> http://www.facebook.com/BaristaParlor

Photos taken on the awesome I-phone by both my amazingly talented artist, musician friend Chanell and myself.

**Today remember to enjoy every second of life that you have. It's worth the effort. :)