#26 - Nervous Energy

 Nervous Energy - Have you ever had those days where nothing seems to fit and the more you think the more anxious you get? I have recently. Where I feel mentally drained, but still wide awake. My brain is going in directions that I didn't even know were possible. Everything I do to release my anxiety only winds me up all the more. It's an absolutely exhausting cycle.

Yet thankfully I'm learning that there are a few things that quiet my mind on these days, and it ain't yoga. Nah, I prefer more active forms of brain detox... i.e. running until my legs beg me to stop, dancing to salsa music, and finally my own art therapy, self-portraits. *sigh now I can finally sleep.

Whispers of the Past ~ #9

I've always thought with my hair that I should have grown up in the 18th Century or during the 1980s, but unfortunately my parents missed the 18th century by a long shot. Lame guys! and then I only lasted for 2 years and 2 months in the 80s, equally lame. Though my 2 year old bedhead hair was fabulous, it just wasn't to the maturity of my current wig.  So since my birth didn't come in either of those time periods, now I am stuck with recreating what could have been. Me, as one of Jane Austen's Characters. I would have been awesome!. Though I may not have been as cool as Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice, I would have been close. ;) hehehe Happy Tuesday, ya'll. And check out Mandolyn's Amazingness this week. ^^Clothes by: Gyahaha Clothing Store, Seoul, South Korea.

#6 Feelin......

I was feeling a bit savage today, and I felt like I needed to embrace it. So I ate raw meat from the bone, beat my hands against my chest, swung from vines, and ate snails with my toes. A fabulous day!This one is for my sister Constanzia. I love you lady, and I miss you! My top is from the my favorite store ever, ever Gyahaha in Hongdae.Have a lovely Tuesday and please be just a little barbaric today :)And check out Mandolyn's #6. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside ^^